The areas we can't see.... but marketing and forum hype are too funny.
As such, I haven't seen any picture proof of dirty and then clean ring packs with ANY products. All can be recommended so no point in shilling one brand over another.
I see no need for HPL/Redline/Amsoil oil when Mobil1/Valvoline/Castrol/Pennzoil.... full synthetics are available at local stores, especially with the threadstarter's 5k interval. But, sometimes those fancy brands will send you a free cap or t-shirt to brag with. I got my "insert brand here" sticker for the tool box and a keychain too!
I do hope that shorter intervals, quality fuel, more visc, quality filter(use full synth media)... would/could help with any misengineerings. Maybe not. Just do it.
Don't forget to bleed the brakes. Pretty sure its a 36month interval too. It is a common fluid that is forgotten like PSF(yours is EPS?). Glad you get the xcase and reardiff changed out. Valve clearance?
Since there is a known issue:
I recommend shorter than OE recommended intervals, time or mileage based on average speed/hours and commute time/miles per year, commute type, and no A/B nonsense. Someone mentioned 20% instead of 0% on the OLM like that is a major improvement and it didn't work. Maintenance minders, oil life monitors.... are bare minimum for a disposable vehicle. This one is a keeper until it isn't.
Stick with premium toptier fuel. And, maybe a tank added FI cleaner once or twice a year(depends on miles driven yearly). Keep a good fuel spray pattern and carbon under control, and could only help what creeps down from the combustion side.
New PCV valve and regular inspection. If it clogs, than your interval isn't short enough and/or the oil isn't stout enough. I don't see it as undersized as a cause. Clogged pcv is a maintenance interval issue.
Good coolant ratio and level, fresh coolant(t-stat/rad cap), air filter changes, spark plug changes..... should not be forgotten. So, keep changing those fluids/filters as needed, and earlier if possible.
Simple upgrades, some which you addressed.
If 5w20 or 0w20 is recommended, then use a 5w30. I'd consider a 0w40 or higher HTHS 30.
If conventional is recommended, then use a synthetic.
If 10k miles is the interval or yearly, then 6 months or 5k miles is a starting point. You'll learn how the maintenance minder counts down for your driving. OLM's are a joke on the consumer.
If a cellulose media oil filter is recommended, then use a synthetic media filter.
If the filter is changed every 'other' interval, then change it every interval.
If a tiny oil filter is installed, use a bigger oil filter if there is room.
If the oil dipstick has a 'range', keep the oil level to the 'full' point always, and check often, and top off even if only needing a couple ounces.
If the drainplug doesn't come with a magnet, get a Goldplug, Dimpleplug, PSR, Votex, or equivalent, which can be installed at your next service.