My supply of M1 EP is exhausted and I've been planning to switch for quite some time. I already have two cases of HPL, and have had them since August of 2022. So, even if I don't "need" it, I already have it. Not gonna let it age out in its storage place. Therefore, the time has finally come.
I don't consider the M1 EP that I've been using as extravagant or costly. Likewise, I don't consider using a top-quality oil, of any brand (HPL, Amsoil, others), to be an extravagance. Further, I don't believe SuperTech is "more than good enough." I believe it's good enough, comparable to many API SP Dexos oils, but nothing "more than." And, to the cost issue once again, using HPL will allow me to extend my OCIs, which will save some $$$ and time.
The decision to move to HPL was made after visiting the HPL lab and factory. There I saw much and learned much about how motor oil is made and I listened to technical discussions both formally presented and that that I overheard between engineers, technical people, and a number of folks here at BITOG.
Finally, for this post, it makes me happy. I believe it's advantageous for my engine, I like supporting Dave and HPL, I appreciate the kindness Dave has shown me, the product fits with my preferences.