HP all in one computer, bypass password.

I don't know I put the one stick of eight in and it still would not boot up maybe I'll just leave the **** thing alone.
Try this, making sure the power is off, unplugged and the system drained of all residual power by pressing and holding the power button for a few seconds before taking RAM out and reinstalling it.
  1. Remove the original working SODIMM.
  2. Power it on without any RAM in it. It won't POST but it'll beep and complain but it won't hurt anything.
  3. Power it off then install just one new SODIMM
  4. Power it on and see if it works
You can also try:
  1. Installing one new 8GB SODIMM in the 2nd slot along with the original 4GB SODIMM and see if it POSTs
  2. Installing just a new SODIMM in the 2nd slot alone and see if it POSTs
Out of curiosity, with the old RAM module out, can you take a picture of the label and post it? I'm curious as to what exactly is in it now.