How do you defend yourself from stray dogs?

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Originally Posted By: Kestas
Wouldn't pepper spray be most appropriate in these cases?

Get a can of bear pepper spray. Its much larger than the stuff for people and will go 30 feet. I have some mainly to use if I am walking in the woods and come across a bear who does not run away.
PS, where we live, shooting a stray dog is not a big deal. I know it sounds terrible, but hey, we are surrounded by 1000 of acres of cattle, sheep, goats, dead dogs is not a big deal...
Originally Posted By: bvance554
Hold your arm out like bait. Let it bite onto your forearm. Then wrap your other arm around the back of its head like you're hugging it, then simply fall forward on the ground. It should let go the moment its neck snaps. My only childhood trauma was cause by my neighbors dogs chasing me. They had two white German Shepherds. They terrorized me and the rest of the neighborhood. One day i decided i was tired of running from them. I'm the type of person who will pick up a bug and put it outside, but nothing felt better than snuffing the life out of that dog.

Would a fire cracker hadn't worked better than such a excuse to reveange? Or even insecticides, like baygon or something? You knew the dog. You're mean!

Unless it is a freaking Cujo, then you have to kill the [censored]!!!
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I used to run a lot. On a couple occasions I kicked a couple of them right in the chops. Neither of them would ever bother me again. Rarely will they attack you but 99% of the time you stare them down and walk toward them they lose their nerve.

Dogs can detect fear..its part of their genes.
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I think pepper spray, if legal, is your best response. I've used it from my bike on a couple dogs, and they haven't been back after me in years. A gun brings too much chance of co-lateral damage, legal issues and bad publicity.

If you can't get pepper spray, a squeeze type water bottle with a dilute mix of bleach is highly effective as well, or plain water, if that's all you want to carry.
I used to bring pepper spray on bike rides. It's easy to mount to the frame using a cheap flashlight mount.
Can you get one of the telescopic police batons in your state?
We can't, so I thought about getting a steel 9 iron shaft and clipping it to the top tube on my bike, maybe put a bolt in the end to get the right weight.
I walk my dog often, and the other night when we were out a dog came running out of his owners driveway and got in my dogs face, i tapped it with my foot and that didnt do a whole i gad to kick it in the face. That did the trick.
I have quite a few stray dogs that roam through my neighborhood. We live in a newly developed area and have a ton of farmland to the south of us. People dump animals all the time. I have had 3 separate dogs/occasions where while walking they have become aggressive and charged. One of these times I had jumped into the back of neighbors truck bed and he ran out with a trowel scaring the dog off. These were all medium to large dogs and they looked quite thin and hungry. I now carry a large walking stick and pepper gel. I don't know what kind of good that the spray would do? Like GiveMeAVowel said it may just make them more aggressive. I don't walk with my 4 year old anymore because of this. The area is rapidly developing and the stray dogs should decrease because of that.

So that being said...I have no qualms about defending myself if need be. Whatever that may entail. I honestly don't care if it's a stray or a neighbors dog. If the dog comes after me...GAME ON!
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Leaf blower air to the face?

I have no tolerance for dogs that do that. If they showed teeth or intent, a very swift kick would be delivered to the ribs, especially if young children were present. I hope to never have to.

Around us the Canadian geese are more aggressive and troublesome.
As a motorcycle rider that has had dogs come after me with malice aforethought, I have taken to carrying wasp spray (Intended for spraying nests, at a distance).

It has better range than pepper spray, and seems to have the desired effect immediately. It is possible to hit a dog in the eyes at a 25' distance. I am sure it is not good for the dog, and I would rather spray the owner, but it has kept me from getting bit a couple of times.

For those concerned about how humane this might be, the other option was a 9mm, which I would really rather not use on a dog.

Side note: I saw both dogs some time later, and they seemed to recover OK.....Though neither thought it a good idea to give it another try.
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These are not stray dogs, they are someone's pet.

Barking from 3 feet away is not an attack, it's defense. Dogs will not normally attack unless you invade the territory they are in charge of protecting.
Originally Posted By: Alfred_B
These are not stray dogs, they are someone's pet.

Barking from 3 feet away is not an attack, it's defense. Dogs will not normally attack unless you invade the territory they are in charge of protecting.

Well excuse me!

The title of the thread does in fact state "stray dogs".

How do you defend yourself from stray dogs?

Running loose, 50 foot from owner, and owner is out of control, = stray dog. Owner may not be happy, but I'm not bleeding, anyway if dog bites it will be put down as a dangerous animal. But I don't like to bleed.
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Originally Posted By: jcwit
Stray dog??

9mm, to the head.

Always this person in every thread on how to deal with a loose dog. Never fails.
Originally Posted By: andrewg
Originally Posted By: jcwit
Stray dog??

9mm, to the head.

Always this person in every thread on how to deal with a loose dog. Never fails.

He said he doesn't like to bleed. I don't blame him.

People should invest in training if they don't want their dog's actions to be seen as an attack.
Originally Posted By: Kestas
Wouldn't pepper spray be most appropriate in these cases?

Our postal service carries pepper spray for aggressive dogs.
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