Headlight Restoration clear coat question

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Sep 4, 2009
Yesterday I used the Sylvania headlight restoration kit on my 2007 Honda Pilot with excellent results. However, due to operator (me) error, there is a small problem. About a minute after applying the UV block clear coat, I noticed a small streak I missed with the application so I swiped that area again with the clear coat. Big mistake (yes, they tell you not to do it but my exuberance overrode my common sense) so I now have a streak thru the middle of the lens. Not horrible, but the perfectionist in me wants to fix it. The clear coat has now dried for about 24 hours. If I properly apply another coat am I going to help or hurt the situation? This is a daily driver, not a show car so I will live with it if I have to. Searching the internet I find opinions all over the place on this so hoping to find some guidance from experience here.
If it where me, I would use a fine (or very fine?) sand paper to scuff up the affected area so that the new layer of clear cost would adhere good to the streaky area.

After letting it dry, I would wet sand it again to smoothen the streaks then polish it.

All this IF the clear coat applied can actually be sanded/polished.

Disclaimer: I have not had experience with your particular issue, I am merely suggesting you what I would do if I encountered something similar.
Originally Posted By: CT8
How does the light beam look?

No effect on the beam.
Originally Posted By: cwing6
Yesterday I used the Sylvania headlight restoration kit on my 2007 Honda Pilot with excellent results. However, due to operator (me) error, there is a small problem. About a minute after applying the UV block clear coat, I noticed a small streak I missed with the application so I swiped that area again with the clear coat. Big mistake (yes, they tell you not to do it but my exuberance overrode my common sense) so I now have a streak thru the middle of the lens. Not horrible, but the perfectionist in me wants to fix it. The clear coat has now dried for about 24 hours. If I properly apply another coat am I going to help or hurt the situation? This is a daily driver, not a show car so I will live with it if I have to. Searching the internet I find opinions all over the place on this so hoping to find some guidance from experience here.


I would give it another coat and allow it to dry. You have nothing to loose.

It can be used by hand, but it seems people who wet sand longer than instructed get long(er) lasting results. Might use this on the old Elantra beater, which has one new headlight and the other one looks like [censored].

I wonder if the longevity can be extended by using a dedicated sealant product like the Blackfire crystal seal that i use on paint, on top of the finished headlight, and then waxing it regularly.
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