Handmade British Goods

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Nov 20, 2006
MA, Mittelfranken.de
If anyone remembers the show on the BBC Dragons Den one of the dragons (Deborah Meaden) has ventured in this.
I just ordered a belt and a wallet from them. Shipping is reasonable and they remove the VAT for exports outside Europe.
Definitely not for Walmart clientèle.

Nice! Is the quality on par with British vehicles???
Belt better be good if its 95 Pounds! That's 143$ US.. or 177$ Canadian.. NO THANKS!! I will stick with my cheap 15$ belt from Costco! But I do agree that most belts sold today are a joke.. every cheap belt I have purchased has broken within 6 months.. I recently bought 2 belts from Costco and they are fully leather, not bonded leather. They last.
English leather is renowned for its very high quality. Even the tannery for the leather is the last one of its type operating today.
5mm thick leather is pretty hefty.
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This BITOG member isn't WM clientele, but I agree with Rolla07 that $150 is WAY overpriced, unless they come over to polish the belt and replace it for free for life.

But the quality looks like it is there.
The last time I wore cuff links was with the rented tuxedo at my wedding in 1971....but they look to be of good quality.
Originally Posted By: Rolla07
Belt better be good if its 95 Pounds! That's 143$ US.. or 177$ Canadian.. NO THANKS!! I will stick with my cheap 15$ belt from Costco! But I do agree that most belts sold today are a joke.. every cheap belt I have purchased has broken within 6 months.. I recently bought 2 belts from Costco and they are fully leather, not bonded leather. They last.

Can't agree more. Belt company's must think they are making fashion items or something. Only way to get a belt to last is if you put it 3 notches to large. They last awhile then but if you plan to use a belt as a belt best stock up.
Originally Posted By: Kira
What did the zero (0) say to the eight(8)?

Nice belt! Kira

Why was 6 afraid of 7? (For answer, ask your nearest 8-year-old)
I wear almost nothing but Wested leather jackets.
Originally Posted By: JHZR2
Nice! Is the quality on par with British vehicles???

I wear almost nothing but Wested leather jackets. The sleeves falling off those jackets are of the highest British craftsmanship.

Trav, I understand that you have shapes made by John Lobb.

I had a pair made back in the late 70's and must say they are as good as new
(DISPITE being re-soled and re-healed a few times)

Fortunately the salesman a Lobb convinced me to go for a more conservative style shoe, all those years ago.

The point is, the shoes at that time were expensive, but over the years I would have replaced 'Lesser' shoes several times.
Sometimes you do get what you pay for.
Originally Posted By: hotwheels
40 year-old shoes? That fine English leather scent is feet!


That might not be so bad.
Traditionally fine English leather was softened with Dog and/or Pidgeon poop.

The Poop was known as 'Pure'. In Victorian times there was a whole class of people known as Pure finders, they spent their whole working day searching for Dog poop to supply the London tanneries.
The longest lasting belt I've ever bought is a $15 LEVIs from sears. The key is to make sure you get one that is actual solid leather, not with fabric or cardboard in the middle. I've had this belt for 3 years and it doesn't look very pretty, but it still holds my britches up.
Originally Posted By: Nick R
The longest lasting belt I've ever bought is a $15 LEVIs from sears. The key is to make sure you get one that is actual solid leather, not with fabric or cardboard in the middle. I've had this belt for 3 years and it doesn't look very pretty, but it still holds my britches up.

Why would I want a belt that looks bad after only three years? My newest Wested jacket, the one apparently tanned in fine dog poop, is already 12 years old and looks just broken in. Maybe get suspenders, if your pants are sagging.

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