Hampton Inn, Sav GA airport, theft of all my belongings

If one of the affected guests had their firearm stolen, would that prompt FBI or ATF to get involved? When my co-worker got his wallet stolen with his conceal carry license in it and he said either the FBI or ATF (I don't remember which) gave him a visit.
If one of the affected guests had their firearm stolen, would that prompt FBI or ATF to get involved? When my co-worker got his wallet stolen with his conceal carry license in it and he said either the FBI or ATF (I don't remember which) gave him a visit.
Neither and what your friend said makes no sense unless in the unusual case a NFA item was stolen. Local crime not for the federales.
Neither and what your friend said makes no sense unless in the unusual case a NFA item was stolen. Local crime not for the federales.

Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, it was ~6 years ago when he told me. He also has a FFL (not sure on the class) but I'm not sure if that mattered.
I roll heavy anywhere I can do so legally. I've had a few incidents in my travels, including one highway issue leaving Savannah, GA more than a year ago. The FL carry permit is honored in GA.

Just a quick update. No satisfaction of any kind from the hotel in question or Hilton corporate, despite a very nice set of responses in an email chain. However, FlightSafety did contact me a few days ago and is using their legal team to pressure Hilton to reimburse me. I can't predict what Hilton will do, as FS does have many thousands of customers staying in hotels every year.

I am getting some heat at work (they are questioning the expenses), as I used the company card to replace my missing clothes. I was on a business trip and I feel I am not responsible for the losses.

If you were on business your employer should pay for replacement clothes within a reasonable expense.
I roll heavy anywhere I can do so legally. I've had a few incidents in my travels, including one highway issue leaving Savannah, GA more than a year ago. The FL carry permit is honored in GA.

Just a quick update. No satisfaction of any kind from the hotel in question or Hilton corporate, despite a very nice set of responses in an email chain. However, FlightSafety did contact me a few days ago and is using their legal team to pressure Hilton to reimburse me. I can't predict what Hilton will do, as FS does have many thousands of customers staying in hotels every year.

I am getting some heat at work (they are questioning the expenses), as I used the company card to replace my missing clothes. I was on a business trip and I feel I am not responsible for the losses.

I had my suitcase go missing on a business trip to China, and it was never found. I was on day 1 of two weeks, so went to a local "Walmart" equivalent to buy the minimums to get by. I used my company card with the same thought that they should cover it. Well...I ended up having to pay my company back for what I bought...it was clearly in the employee manual, that I signed a form saying I read cover to cover. I still can't say I agree with that, but it was in writing.
In the old days I had to make an emergency trip PLUS had to stay longer than was originally hoped. The president made sure all my clothing costs were covered. Maybe this was different because emergency, but pretty lousy feeling when such things come out of your own pocket.

Maybe the companies get a better "moral feeling" with stolen/lost suitcases because insurance or something. But still. Your traveling and burning your life for the company is either important or not necessary. Just saying.
You're packin heat on a business trip? Don't you have to have a permit in each state you visit?
I carry a book with me everywhere I go called "The Travelers Guide to the Firearm Laws of the 50 States". It's updated every year. It is a solid resource. The writer goes into detail and really does his homework. I've been getting it annually for over 10 years now. Surprisingly you don't need a CCW in every state to travel with a firearm in your vehicle.
I carry a book with me everywhere I go called "The Travelers Guide to the Firearm Laws of the 50 States". It's updated every year. It is a solid resource. The writer goes into detail and really does his homework. I've been getting it annually for over 10 years now. Surprisingly you don't need a CCW in every state to travel with a firearm in your vehicle.
this too:

I had my suitcase go missing on a business trip to China, and it was never found. I was on day 1 of two weeks, so went to a local "Walmart" equivalent to buy the minimums to get by. I used my company card with the same thought that they should cover it. Well...I ended up having to pay my company back for what I bought...
Not saying I agree with this policy

Company's stance on this is most likely "we didn't steal/lose your stuff" and just because it was a work trip, doesn't make it more their fault either. That said, there's no reason they can't make exceptions on a case-by-case basis and when they do cover the expense, tell the employee to keep it quiet (confidential). The policy may be to prevent abuse ("I lost my stuff on my work trip, buy me new things...").
I don't know if it is worth it based on the typical deductible, but the stolen items are probably covered under a HO policy if you have one.

Also not saying i agree with it, but i think it would be rare to pay for this stuff even on a business trip, also there might be tax implications if the items could be worn for casual use... IE if the company gives you a polo thats probably taxable, a polo with a logo you are only supposed to wear on duty probably not taxable (generally) I am not a tax lawyer BTW...
Put an American Flag in your luggage. Stealing an American Flag is a federal offense. That should bump it up a level on the law enforcement end.

Screenshot 2022-02-02 214018.webp
I don't know if it is worth it based on the typical deductible, but the stolen items are probably covered under a HO policy if you have one.

Even if the deductible is close - your HO carrier would likely go after the franchisee's general liability policy - and give you some sense of justice.

Any update? This story is crazy.

(I love the hotel manager saying that GA law protects them - basically telling you to pound it).
this too:

And this:

No updates and nothing to report. I will fire off a last email to Hilton corporate, clearly explaining that payment is expected.

I will say this, the stolen T3 medication is something "life critical", I don't do well without it. I'm now taking it six times per day to keep levels steady and reasonable. The fact that I made it home is a miracle in itself. I need to have a backup to my backup. The other night I missed my 3am dose and holy crap, I was very near comatose. In fact they do call lack of thyroid hormone "Myxedema Coma", and it happens fast, From Google: It is a medical emergency with a high mortality rate. Criminals suck.
No updates and nothing to report. I will fire off a last email to Hilton corporate, clearly explaining that payment is expected.

I will say this, the stolen T3 medication is something "life critical", I don't do well without it. I'm now taking it six times per day to keep levels steady and reasonable. The fact that I made it home is a miracle in itself. I need to have a backup to my backup. The other night I missed my 3am dose and holy crap, I was **** near comatose. In fact they do call it Myxedema Coma, and it happens fast. Criminals suck.

Unfortunately lots of shady stuff going on at that hotel.
Send a certified letter to the CEO of Hilton detailing everything that happened including items lost and hotel people you spoke or wrote to. Include dates and time where available. State clearly it was in inside job and you will not let this go. The CEO will not see the letter of course, but one of his assistants will forward it down to a corporate executive. Coming from the office of the CEO they will act by pressuring down the ranks - much more effective than you pressuring up the ranks. I have done this twice and got results within three days. Worth a try.