About three years ago, wife got t-boned. Other driver got the ticket. Car was totaled and she had to have shoulder surgery and therapy. OK, that's over and lawyer settled with the other party. Basically, we got a check for 20K. Not trying to brag here, our finances are doing OK....house paid off, 1 car payment and no other bills. Got some cash in the bank for "just in case." Have a 529 plan for my daughter that is 17. Really don't want to plop 20K in the bank as interest is peanuts nowadays. CD's don't pay much either. I'm 57, wife is 50. Roth IRA caught my eye, but I'd have to own the account for 5 years before I could touch it. I had thought maybe that was the way to go just in case I need to yank out some more money for college, but I'll be inside that 5 year window. We would both qualify to put in 7K each into two separate Roth IRA's. Heard of pre-paid annuities, but I just don't know. I'm not the type to drop some money in the stock market....out 2 401k's are doing that. I don't like risk....my butt still hurts from that 2008 debacle....so....wondering what some of ya'll might do????