Godfather's 1976 Gremlin

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Sep 8, 2005

I've mentioned umpteen million times about my Godfather's 1976 Gremlin - thought I'd post a pic for those who like this kind of thing. This is when he gave it to us in about 1987, before he moved back to Australia. As you can see, not in too bad a shape for 11+ years of daily driving.
Originally Posted By: Chris142
Does this car have the Levi interier? Them brass buttons would burn circles on the back of your legs if you were wearing shorts.

Heck no. That car was almost as basic as you could get it!

My Godfather was pretty well as cheap as you could get. He bought the car brand-new in September, 1975 for the ONLY reason that it was the cheapest new car you could buy. It was a Gremlin 'custom', so it wasn't a complete stripper, but that was about it.

Don't know much about his driving/maintenace habits, but it got driven every day to work and other things. Probably got about 12-15k miles a year. It would have gotten the most basic maintenance possible. If you look closely, it still has bias-ply tires on it!
Had a buddy in High School who had a Purple Gremlin X, with the big motor in it, I believe at that time it was the AMC 401 V8? That boxy little thing would haul butt!! :)
Biggest engine you could ever get in a Gremlin was the 304 V-8.

This one was a 232 I-6/Automatic. It was still running well when he dropped it off, but it had a lot of other issues - brakes, rust, etc....Yo can see in the pics where he and my father touched up the surface rust ever year, but you can also see that major 'rot' had set in on the bottom of the doors, under the chrome trim strip, and behind the back tires. AFAIK, the floor was still solid.

The car eneded up stitting in the spot you see it in for about 2 years. My dad drove it a couple of times when he needed to do something specefic (it picked up an X-Mas tree one year), but beyond that it didn't go far. We ended up selling it to someone who needed a cheap winter car. I wanted to keep it, and learn to fix it up as my first car, but my dad wouldn't let me.

This is where my love for AMC's came from...this little orange car.
My best friends family had an AMC Pacer of similar vintage when we were growing up. His dad was a heavy equipment mechanic, so he always had a large Ford truck as well. I think his older brother wrecked it. Since they were being made in the US, his dad replaced it with a Rabbit diesel, which he wrecked when he turned 16.
Let's continue. The neighbors across the street had a mid-70's Matador, which my mom backed into one day coming out of the driveway.

The best was she was dating a guy who had an honest to goodness AMX. At the time, it was the quickest car I'd ever ridden in, considering my mom drove a Corvair, a Dodge Demon, a Dodge Dart, and a Chrysler Cordoba in my pre-teen years.
The family across the street from us in our previous house (not where this pic is taken) had a 1980 AMC Spirit hatchback that was almsot the exact same orange/brown colour combo as this Gremlin.

I definetly noticed how much more 'modern' looking the Spirit was to this car - even when it was brand new, this car looked dated in 1976. That's what helped it be so darn cheap, no-one really wanted them by then!

Good, solid car, though - had a really 'substantail' feel to it, even though it was a subcompact.
Having grown up (sort of) in the 70s, I got to live through all these wonderful cars. I guess I had forgotten just how butt ugly that thing was. None of today's atrocities even come close...
Originally Posted By: addyguy
I wanted to keep it, and learn to fix it up as my first car, but my dad wouldn't let me.

Same here. My dad had a notion for showing up at home with different used cars back in the 70's and within a year they'd be gone. I can remember an '?? Opel, '77 G. Marquis wagon (7 mpg), our '60-'70 something C10 (sold before we moved to "lovely" ohio in '78), and the (now that I like cars more) REAL victim of trade-in fever: light green '66 LeMans 2 door.
Supposedly it had an electrical problem, but this was 1975/76.

I was talking with my brother once and mentioned I wish our dad would have kept some/one of the many decent vehicles he'd gotten rid of ('76 El Camino was another), then I'd have been more likely to know what the heck to do on cars and could then go to schooling for ASE/updating after I'd have gotten it.
I was in Kenosha last week for the 4th of July parade and saw several AMC Concords and an AMC/Renault Alliance. The Concords brought back some memories since we had a 1980. Dad bought his as a mill-car so it was a complete stripper -- no AC, no radio, manual transmission, non-power brakes. The only reason there was power steering on the thing was because it was standard. It had the GM Iron Duke 4-cylinder engine and got pretty good mileage.

In some ways, I miss that car.
Originally Posted By: addyguy

My Godfather was pretty well as cheap as you could get. He bought the car brand-new in September, 1975 for the ONLY reason that it was the cheapest new car you could buy.

Just like George Costanza flipping to the very last page of the catalog of wedding invitations, because that's where the cheapest one was. Actually most of my relatives are like that; my first car was my Grandma's old '71 Nova, and it not only lacked AC and an automatic transmission but it also lacked basics like front disks, power steering, carpeting, radio, cigarette lighter, etc. A real stripper.

Years later my parents bought their very first brand new car, and the choice boiled down to the Civic or the Toyota Tercel (this was before the real rock bottom cheap cars like the Yugo and Excel). They eventually settled on the Civic because they could get it for something like $15 less. The fact they felt the Civic was the better car had nothing to do with the decision; had the prices been reversed they would have bought the Tercel.
Originally Posted By: Papa Bear
Not even an Aztek ....

I saw a driveway with an aztek and either a nissan cube or the kia clone. The house was painted normally and there weren't 300 pink flamingoes....
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