Getting rid of house odors...

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Aug 30, 2004
Carpet Cleaning, steam, not shampoo, works wonders. We had most of the house steam cleaned for $75 (1500-2000 sq ft) and many of the odors are gone.

Its amazing what kind of odors your carpet can trap.

Getting rid of house odors...

What? Are the dusty bucks getting moldy
Carpet and padding retain dirt and crud forever, if you ever pull up a room of old carpet and pad you will wonder how you ever lived on all the dirt and crud.
When we redid the back apartment wife insisted on NO PADDING. Way too many tenents spilled **** on the carpet making it way too frequent a renew item for us. We got dark blue el cheapo commercial grade carpet with no padding. Saved a bundle and had nothing other then Stanley Steamer in to clean it up. She figures that she'll do the same for our place when it's time.
No padding under carpet just wears it out faster and/or transmits more sound. There are cushions (industry term) that absorb no water or crud.



Typical carpet store "premium" cushion is not too great. Need to find the wholesale suppliers in your area.

Good cushion long outlasts any carpet. It ought to give you 12-21 years of service in a residential application.

Also, if you like commercial-style flooring, look into carpet squares that can be replaced as they wear/stain. There are retail outlets.

Be sure to use ONLY the manufacturer's recommended cleaning method. is a good site for basic carpet care info.
Carpeting is disgusting. Might as well live in a petri dish. Hardwood floors with rugs that are regularly cleaned are much more hygienic. I like just plain hardwood floors. I don't even let anybody with street shoes in my place. And forget about coming in on cheesy socks. Bring house shoes or stay out.
My wife and I just recently had new carpeting installed. The 8 lb padding they used has a plastic lining on the top side to prevent any spills from soaking through. That should certainly help contain any spills and cut down on odors.
Get rid of the crazy aunt in the basement and you'll notice a definite improvement in the odor.

Seriously, we just replaced the living room carpet and padding. Pets had had accidents on some of it in the past, and boy, did the old padding reek, more than the carpet itself! Those problem pets have left through normal attrition, so the problem has corrected itself and I don't expect a repeat with the new padding.

Originally posted by moribundman:
Carpeting is disgusting. Might as well live in a petri dish. Hardwood floors with rugs that are regularly cleaned are much more hygienic. I like just plain hardwood floors. I don't even let anybody with street shoes in my place. And forget about coming in on cheesy socks. Bring house shoes or stay out.

I do like hardwood floors but prefer carpeting with young kids. It's mighty hard to wrestle and give horse-rides on wood. Plus carpeting is a lot quieter too.

I concur carpets are giant dust traps but lots of vacuuming/steamcleaning helps keep the "petri dish" effect at bay.
mori - you crack me up. Please allow me to rub my sweaty feet on your floors.

I honestly think carpets are kinda nasty but insulate pretty well. I hada house once that had some weird flat carpet in the kitchen, washroom with ****eteria. I mean that carpet had piddle from near hits. The property and structure were nice and the first thing we did was gut those rooms.
Carpeting is also a big advantage when you have a baby in the house. When they fall down and hit their head on carpet, it's no big deal. On a hard floor, it's a problem and could result in injuries.
Guys, I was obviously using hyperbole in an effort to make a point.

Since I have allergies, I avoid carpeting as far as possible, but I'm not Bubble Boy and I'm not even living in a cleanroom.
I like ceramic tile in kitchens, entries, etc. but when it comes to living areas and bedrooms, I gotta have carpet. Remembering to remove (or thoroughly clean) your shoes before entering, making sure your pet is 100% housetrained and kept fairly clean, and keeping spills and such to a minumum can all contribute to keeping your carpet from becoming a filth trap. A good vacuum and yearly steam cleaning can help, as well as using anti-microbial or anti-allergen deodorants like Febreeze can make a difference as well.
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