Fresh Oil filter Every time?

Cellulose absorbs moisture from the oil, causing the media to swell & develop waves. Our departed Fram marketing guy @Motorking also recommended changing non-full synthetic media filters yearly. It rains (& is usually rather humid) here in the Ohio Valley, I’m sure a lot more than most places in Spain-all that excess moisture isn’t good for a cellulose filter. We can get halfway decent cellulose/blend filters here cheaply in the USA, so I don’t mind swapping out the lower end filters regularly.
I just boiled an XG media in water - twice (cool, repeat) …
It barely had waves - I’m thinking it’s part of the internal loads to look like a dumpster in just 5k …
Waves might actually be preventing tears bcs unlike the vintage synthetic/cellulose Mobil 1’s (very tough) - the new XG is weak like the old Purolators …
I've always changed the filter with every OCI, but I tend to buy lower cost filters.

You guys are probably right on the money though. If you buy a premium filter, I'm sure the filter will happily do it's thing for two 6K miles OCIs.
Yeah - I do both depending on the filter and the oil/plans …
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Air filters don’t go into bypass, just don’t over extend an oil filter.

I agree many oil filters are underutilized, but running one for an extended interval then judging it to be okay simply because the construction held up is only half of the equation.
I've always changed the filter with every OCI, but I tend to buy lower cost filters.

You guys are probably right on the money though. If you buy a premium filter, I'm sure the filter will happily do it's thing for two 6K miles OCIs.
Exactly...if you're as old as dirt and you have to remove a underbody panel or tire and the filter is up in the middle of the back of the engine...yeah it ain't coming off every time...
Just use a top end filter..that may be the issue these days... top end ???
Exactly...if you're as old as dirt and you have to remove a underbody panel or tire and the filter is up in the middle of the back of the engine...yeah it ain't coming off every time...
Just use a top end filter..that may be the issue these days... top end ???
Race to the bottom, just like everything else nowadays.....

Ha my kids make fun of me buying in bulk when the time is right. The last inflation storm taught me my lessons.
I would only go multiple years on full synthetic media filters, there’s been too many wavy, torn, borderline disintegrating cellulose media filters seen here. Of course, Spain is drier than here, and “the rain falls mainly in the plain”, so maybe cellulose does better there(?)
My Titan requires removing 8-9 bolts and dropping a plastic shield to access the filter but the drain plug is exposed. Starting with the next change I’m planning on buying the best filter I can find and leaving it through two changes. For this particular vehicle it almost always reaches the recommended six month interval before the recommended mileage.
I read on the forum that filter efficiency increases as it's media becomes packed with particulate. If that's true I should only change my filter at the recommended filter interval if I'm running shorter OCIs and not every change right?
Has this been discussed?
A number of times. In fact, I'm surprised that one of our search gurus hasn't posted with a list of links to all the previous discussions on this subject.

Many here on BITOG have said that, not only can a quality oil filter last a lot longer than an oil change interval, but it is actually good to run oil filters for two oil change intervals.
this is false, as an oil filter loads up, the pressure differential across the media increases shoving once trapped particles through the media.
False based upon what? It is absolutely true in filtration that full performance is achieved as a “cake” builds. Then it’s a matter of how much creates too tortuous of a path and increases delta P.
False based upon what? It is absolutely true in filtration that full performance is achieved as a “cake” builds. Then it’s a matter of how much creates too tortuous of a path and increases delta
yes, it may help up to a certain point, but plugging a filter up and letting it bypass or create enough dp to force debris through isn’t worth it. just change your oil filters.
yes, it may help up to a certain point, but plugging a filter up and letting it bypass or create enough dp to force debris through isn’t worth it. just change your oil filters.
To a certain point? That’s the basis of filtration. Have you ever done any real process filtration of fine particulate?

Sure, nobody wants bypass. But they may well get it even on a new filter when the oil is viscous, and the filter may be less effective.

Sure, the “cheap insurance” line generally works, especially given the cost of oil filters to the oil itself, labor, and the value of a car/engine.

But it doesn’t mean it’s actually accurate, or beneficial, especially if the oci is relatively short. Case in point. I have two Hondas which allow the “every other” filter change. The Odyssey that does about 5k OCI gets it every other. The accord which does about 14k OCI gets it every one just because of time under operation.
So best practise if you're running ~4K intervals would be to drain the filter keep the emptied filter and change every second interval regardless of cost correct?
So best practise if you're running ~4K intervals would be to drain the filter keep the emptied filter and change every second interval regardless of cost correct?
No. If you’re going to reuse the old filter then just leave it alone. If you’re taking it off then leave it off. Taking off the old filter and reinstalling it introduces the risk of leaking unnecessarily.
Since I do topside vacuum extraction and I have top-mounted filter cartridges on both vehicles, I opt to just leave filter in place and only replace every other OCI.

No issues to report.