Forget Pennzoil Platinum!

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Originally Posted By: SrDriver
Ultra is not selling well here at Wal-Mart and I noticed that on the quart bottles that there was a lot of dust on the bottles.

They did not have the 5 quart bottles @ either of the Two Super Wal-Marts here in town.

I am thinking we will be seeing those bottles on the clearance rack before long?

It may not be selling because 3/4 of Walmart customers are just there for the cheapest deal they can find, and probably barely even check their oil, much less consider using a premium oil.
Not too long ago, I clicked on the Pennzoil banner here at BitoG and it took me to the Pennzoil website where there was a webpage to fill out your information. So I did. About a month later (2 weeks ago) I go a link in my email which took me to the Pennzoil webpage again, this time, at the top it had my full name in big bold letters and below it was a colorful coupon for $5 off of Pennzoil Ultra. I still have it actually. So if PU is only $21 at WM now I guess I could run down their and get a jug of it for $26 now.

Just goes to show, it pays to click on the banners here sometimes!
Those are the prices here in the Chicago area also.

Originally Posted By: Troy
Walmart here is $23.50 for platinum and $25.00 for ultra. I buy the ultra.
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