Finally time to retire

It took a while to fully wind down my career. But last night I made it home to FL with a moving van full of my equipment and my PA household contents. If feels wonderful to be retired. It will take time to unpack all this stuff, and work related loose ends to tie up such as a final expense report and so on. But I'm completely free!

I turned my phone off too! Thank god.
That is awesome. Enjoy your free time
Just told the chief pilot I'm leaving. I've talked about this here before, but finally talked openly with the chief pilot today, and despite some rather heated arguments on other matters, he mentioned that he is working on additional personnel, to work with, and eventually replace me when I leave. I'm in my early 60's, and it's time. I have multiple autoimmune issues, and I am slow and tired. Made a real mistake the other day, which was not good. First time for that, ugh. I want to finish out my career without problems.

I'm overwhelmed and I've let it be known, both via email and verbally. So to me, it's a bit of contentious retirement. However, objectively, it's time. I am very slow.

The way I see it, (if they don't let me go first) I could leave at the end of the year, or end of May. As our flight department winters in Florida, where I live and the work load is lighter, as in NORMAL, not easy.

I need to propose a retirement letter, in my typical no fluff style

Congratulations. You’ve identified the point in which it’s your time to retire. To me that’s what is important instead of doing it because others are or, because you’ve hit a certain age.
I'm completely free!
Congrats! The freedom is intoxication!
