Filling up new oil filter prior to installation

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Jun 26, 2007
Houston, Texas
I was wondering how many folks feel that it is a better practice to fill up a new spin on oil filter with oil prior to installation than to install it empty? I typically install the oil filter on my 2006 Pilot without filling it up first. The Helm service manual does not mention the need to prefill the oil filter prior to installation and only states that the oil pressure warning light should extinguish within 15 seconds after starting the engine following an oil change. Does it matter one way or the other? Thanks in advance for any advice provided.
Normally only necessary on larger filters found on diesel engines.

But if it makes you feel better it's certainly not gonna hurt anything.

If it is a vehicle I CAN do it on without spilling oil, then I always do it. As said, it's definitely not hurting anything, and if anything, it's only helping.

I filled mine up with gasoline, then emptied it in a clean container.

are you serious or is this a joke ..
This is something I been doing since I started changing my own oil back in the 1960's. I started paying more attention to oil changes back then when I almost lost the engine in my 1966 Impala SS396 because a gas station jockey forget to spin the filter on completely. 2 mile down the road smoke was bellowing for under the car and I stopped just in time.
Since my filter installs with the open end pointing to the sky, I do prefill.

Upon startup, I never even see the "engine oil level" light on my dash come on. Some fellow Scion owners DO see it when they do an oil change and they DONT prefill.

'nough said for me.
I've been pre-filling my filters prior to the oil change. I like to do it the day before so that the media soaks it in. Then I top off the filter just before installation.

I've been pre-filling my filters prior to the oil change. I like to do it the day before so that the media soaks it in. Then I top off the filter just before installation.

Yes, as the day of the oil change approaches, one can start preparing: pre-fill the filter, remove the rings from the bottle caps, relocate the oil bottles and filter to the workshop (or in winter to a warm place so more oil comes out of the bottles). All this helps to build the momentum and excitement so that on the day of the change, you can hardly stand it anymore and are ready to jump right in. It builds up to the climax when you pour the new oil in. After that it's all cleanup and disposal.
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