Every oil is "excellent"?

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Originally Posted By: NHSilverado
Originally Posted By: 02zx9r
The street version of Royal Purple is a Group III synthetic

This is false info. RP street oil is Grp IV.

This is fasle info. RP street oil is Grp III.
"By the way, a friend of mine was running RP in his Cobra and seized a rocker arm while driving hard on a track. Was it the oil... I donno, but I won't be buying any!"

Your kidding right?? This had nothing to do with the oil...it was a defective part or a missed shift...RP has been used in multi-million dollar machines for years without any problems...if ya don't like the price, that's one thing..
Originally Posted By: 02zx9r
Originally Posted By: NHSilverado
Originally Posted By: 02zx9r
The street version of Royal Purple is a Group III synthetic

This is false info. RP street oil is Grp IV.

This is fasle info. RP street oil is Grp III.

You can trash RP all you want and make fun of me or even try and pick fights with me as well as you have here and elsewhere. Go for it I could care less. But get your facts straight. RP street oil is Group IV. It is NOT Group III. I have spoken to RP directly about this and while they give away no secrets on the formula it is ALL Group IV. They do NOT use Group III base stocks.
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not trying to make fun of you, or try and picks fights.

Just stating known facts:
Royal Purple, for the most parts and with few exceptions as in your case, is a poor performing oil. as most have stated on here. and the uoa's have proven it.

Like I said, a few exceptions where there has been a good uoa here and there, but for the most part, MY belief is that it is a poor performer, way over priced for poor performance, so ie... it sucks!
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Edit to above.

I tried to edit my "ALL" Group IV comment above but it was too late. Never really intended to say that. As I understand it RP uses mostly Group IV but I took the answers to also mean some Group V was used as well in some applications. I may be wrong on that( Grp V )though so not saying it is 100% true. Just my impression from what I was told that was vague so as to avoid giving me trade secrets.

The oil I inquired about specifically was street 5W-30 and it is Group IV as it was told to me by an RP tech. He was quite clear that Group III base stocks were not used by RP at all however even if he was tight lipped( as I would expect )about actual details on the forumla. I actually called after hearing someone here say RP was Group III before. May have been same guy ^^^ that likes to bait me into stuff?

Right off RP's site as well...

Royal Purple Motor Oils are composed of a proprietary formulation of synthetic base oils and synthetic additives containing iso-paraffinic diluents.
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Originally Posted By: 02zx9r
not trying to make fun of you, or try and picks fights.

Oh really. So who said the following while logged in and using your account? Sure sounds like you were trying to start something with me specifically...

Originally Posted By: 02zx9r
marginal performer, way over priced. PP can be had for cheaper and give way better results!

Bring it on NHsilverado and anybody else!

Originally Posted By: 02zx9r
Just stating known facts:
Royal Purple, for the most parts and with few exceptions as in your case, is a poor performing oil. as most have stated on here. and the uoa's have proven it.

Like I said, a few exceptions where there has been a good uoa here and there, but for the most part, MY belief is that it is a poor performer, way over priced for poor performance, so ie... it sucks!

I disagree and not just based on my own use. HERE on this site it gets bashed but on other sites it is highly regarded and has produced excellent analysis results. Despite the claims that it has produced poor UOA results here I have seen very little to actually support that. Mostly just a bunch of people, that haven't even used it, running around saying it "sucks" because one or two guys 10 years ago had a bad analysis come back.

If you don't want to run it fine - don't. If you ran it and had bad results okay it wasn't good for you. It happens with the best products out there regardless of what they are at times. Have "you" ever actually run RP or are you basing all your venom on word of mouth from others( who probably haven't run it either )? I also find it humorous that you claim to base all of your opinions on facts yet you jump in and blame RP for a mechanical rocker failure which you know darn well is not oil related.

Not going to keep fighting with you. However if you keep posting falsehoods such as saying RP uses Group III oils I will reply. Otherwise rant away.
My experience is that I have been in a learning curve for the past 18 months...reading everything I can find...searching out data...verifying what others say (to the extent possible)...and just pondering what makes sense. I recently found a new piece (for me) to the puzzle while reading "Motor Oil 101".

If a person wants to do the work I think we can come to an informed decision, even though later we might find out new or better info. If a person does't wish to do all that work, then we can just pick a Hereo and go with what he says.

So, what is the "best" oil??? The oil you pick...until you find a better "best".
Study up the uoas ,the oils seem to hold up and using any of the major oils will allow the engine to last longer than most all of us will keep the car.
This post came from the topic "Since Amsoil is so good what doesn't everyone use it"

Notice his last statement.

I use Mobil 1 because:
1. It's a high quality product with which I have a good track record. (notwithstanding the braying that occurs here over its base oil.)
2. I have a long history with it that is proven with thirty plus years of UOA.
3. It's sold in quantity, virtually anywhere I go. If I need a quart while hunting in Wyoming, vacationing in Washington, at home in Georgia, on a business trip in West Virginia... I can get it without problem.
4. It makes me feel good from peace of mind.

Why doesn't everyone use Amsoil?
1. Multi-Level Marketing.
2. You can't buy it at Uncle Wally's, or any place else.
3. It is more expensive than my currently used oil. (all things considered.)
4. I do not care about Amsoil in the least.
5. I have some bias against them. (See number 1 above.)
6. I could not care less about their claims, as the extended OCI I do with Mobil 1 of 8 to 12K miles is a proven winner in dozens of my past cars and trucks.

Further, I am a Mechanical Engineer who deals with oil issues in the refrigeration industry, and consider myself a professional with regard to oil selection, use, and analysis. Do not even get me started on Royal Purple oil and the problems I have experienced with it in my industry.

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Originally Posted By: NHSilverado
Originally Posted By: 02zx9r
not trying to make fun of you, or try and picks fights.

Oh really. So who said the following while logged in and using your account? Sure sounds like you were trying to start something with me specifically...

Originally Posted By: 02zx9r
marginal performer, way over priced. PP can be had for cheaper and give way better results!

Bring it on NHsilverado and anybody else!

Originally Posted By: 02zx9r
Just stating known facts:
Royal Purple, for the most parts and with few exceptions as in your case, is a poor performing oil. as most have stated on here. and the uoa's have proven it.

Like I said, a few exceptions where there has been a good uoa here and there, but for the most part, MY belief is that it is a poor performer, way over priced for poor performance, so ie... it sucks!

I disagree and not just based on my own use. HERE on this site it gets bashed but on other sites it is highly regarded and has produced excellent analysis results. Despite the claims that it has produced poor UOA results here I have seen very little to actually support that. Mostly just a bunch of people, that haven't even used it, running around saying it "sucks" because one or two guys 10 years ago had a bad analysis come back.

If you don't want to run it fine - don't. If you ran it and had bad results okay it wasn't good for you. It happens with the best products out there regardless of what they are at times. Have "you" ever actually run RP or are you basing all your venom on word of mouth from others( who probably haven't run it either )? I also find it humorous that you claim to base all of your opinions on facts yet you jump in and blame RP for a mechanical rocker failure which you know darn well is not oil related.

Not going to keep fighting with you. However if you keep posting falsehoods such as saying RP uses Group III oils I will reply. Otherwise rant away.

We aren't fighting, we are debating. You have an opinion, I have an opinion. Yours is based on a good experience you had with the oil.

My opinion is based on:it sucks!

No, I have not run it because it is way overpriced, [censored] performer. *if* i were to find it on clearance for a $1 or $2 or less, sure I will try it out. But then when I have a rocker arm failure do I complain to you?
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There secret additive Synerlec (whatever that is) is a synthetic PAO additive, but it's an additive, not the base stock.
Originally Posted By: 02zx9r
There secret additive Synerlec (whatever that is) is a synthetic PAO additive, but it's an additive, not the base stock.

Where did you get that info? A formulator here said it's a sulfurized ester.
Originally Posted By: 02zx9r
There secret additive Synerlec (whatever that is) is a synthetic PAO additive, but it's an additive, not the base stock.

If you are going to continually bash something, please learn more about it first.

Royal Purple is exclusively a PAO base stock. The additive package is contained in a group I carrier.

You can email royal purple yourself and get that much information from them.
Originally Posted By: badtlc
Originally Posted By: 02zx9r
There secret additive Synerlec (whatever that is) is a synthetic PAO additive, but it's an additive, not the base stock.

If you are going to continually bash something, please learn more about it first.

Royal Purple is exclusively a PAO base stock. The additive package is contained in a group I carrier.

You can email royal purple yourself and get that much information from them.


I will drink right along with you.

1) I really dont care about royal purple, what it is made of, this additive, this base stock- really dont [censored] care!

2) I have never run it and will not unless I can get for 90% off or something like that. Who knows it *might* be the best oil I have ever run but I am not going to try it because of all the negativity it has gotten.

until then I will continue to bash it and get guys like you stirred up! Is all I'm doing---
Originally Posted By: 02zx9r

I will drink right along with you.

1) I really dont care about royal purple, what it is made of, this additive, this base stock- really dont [censored] care!

2) I have never run it and will not unless I can get for 90% off or something like that. Who knows it *might* be the best oil I have ever run but I am not going to try it because of all the negativity it has gotten.

until then I will continue to bash it and get guys like you stirred up! Is all I'm doing---

You say you don't care, but obsessive posting really points to the opposite conclusion. Just making up lies to chase people off of an American made product just makes you look juvenile. This site is much better when people stick to at least some half-truths.
Originally Posted By: 02zx9r

I will drink right along with you.

1) I really dont care about royal purple, what it is made of, this additive, this base stock- really dont [censored] care!

2) I have never run it and will not unless I can get for 90% off or something like that. Who knows it *might* be the best oil I have ever run but I am not going to try it because of all the negativity it has gotten.

until then I will continue to bash it and get guys like you stirred up! Is all I'm doing---

What do you think you accomplish acting like that? What point are you proving? Do you feel lieing about something just to provoke others makes you a big person or something? Don't you realize when you do that it makes people question everything you post. I see no point to it and pity you if you enjoy it.
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Originally Posted By: JAG
Originally Posted By: 02zx9r
There secret additive Synerlec (whatever that is) is a synthetic PAO additive, but it's an additive, not the base stock.

Where did you get that info? A formulator here said it's a sulfurized ester.
Would that make it a ep additive?
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