Ever had an encounter with an Incubus or Succubus?

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Originally Posted By: Shannow
Had quite a few experiences over the years and self diagnosed at the time as sleep paralysis, twice brought on by self hypnosis type meditation.

Two or three had a horrid grinning yellow face hovering inches above mine (complete with smell)...

Had the paralysis thing, the horrid yellow face, the odours, and the apparent weight on the chest. Did the recital thing, and it stopped.

I'm not so sure that's sleep paralysis, do you have a orange or yellow cat?
I've had sleep paralysis before. Nothing wicked, or sensing people there, but just consciously waking up while my body was still asleep and unmovable. Very weird feeling, and a bit unnerving that I can't take the deep breath that I feel I need to take.

I also used to lucid dream quiet regularly, but that seems to have decreased over the past few years.
Very interesting topic. No paralysis yet....but now that the idea has been planted in my brain, who knows. Twice, I have woke up and found myself sitting in a recliner in the living room after I had gone to bed. Odd.
Sweet dreams.
It is well documented in medical literature that a person's brain during lucid sleep paralysis will commonly hallucinate a "monster" coming into the room or some other terror like fear of house on fire, etc. Has something to do with the way our brains (mis)function in terms of perception in this highly unusual state.

A real succubus has no need to wait till middle of the night or when you are lucid dreaming to come and visit.
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Like others, I've had dreams where I couldn't move, or was in danger and couldn't escape, (something was falling and I couldn't get out of the way or I was being crushed and couldn't get out of the situation).

In my dreams, (or nightmares) there are no "dark creatures."

Usually it's a thing or an object that is threatening me, (a wall is falling and I can't get out of the way).

In the dream it's scary, but as soon as I wake up I'm fine because I know it was a dream.

But I do believe dreams are messages or indicators of things going on in my life. I try to connect the dream to something that is happening. Am I under a lot of stress? Is something going on that is "pressuring" me? Am I "conflicted" about something?

When I take the time to examine the dream and make the connection and figure it out, the dreams go away.

Another classic was when I was in college. Around finals time, I would ALWAYS dream that I had signed up for a class and then forgot to attend until finals week. The dream was always the same, me running across campus, down the hallway of one of the buildings, arriving just in time to meet the professor leaving after the final exam was finished and telling me I was going to get a big, fat "F" for not attending or doing the work.

I hated that dream.
Originally Posted By: GreeCguy

Another classic was when I was in college. Around finals time, I would ALWAYS dream that I had signed up for a class and then forgot to attend until finals week. The dream was always the same, me running across campus, down the hallway of one of the buildings, arriving just in time to meet the professor leaving after the final exam was finished and telling me I was going to get a big, fat "F" for not attending or doing the work.

I hated that dream.

My version of the college dream/nightmare that I had on recurring basis for at least 15 years after college was where I kept forgetting to attend a class week after week until it was too late in the semester to drop it and avoid a super low grade.
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Its kind of comforting to see so many others that have had this, as I seriously thought I was losing my mind for a 3-4 year period having these kinds of dreams several nights a week, accompanied with the paralysis, the sensation of someone being in the room, and other weird feelings.

It was finally my dentist that helped me out, during a routine cleaning he just stopped and said "Do you have a lot of weird dreams, waking up in the middle of the night, feeling like someone sitting on your chest, someone coming after you, stuff like that?" and I said "YES!" and he said "I can tell you have apnea just by looking at your teeth." After a couple of different types of mouthguards (to find one I could comfortably sleep with), losing about 10 lbs and adjusting my sleep pattern, its pretty much gone.
I've had sleep paralysis many, many times. Starting my senior year in college and up through probably 2-3 years ago, I probably experienced it 5 to 15 times per year. Once or twice I experienced it back to back on the same night. It is definitely a frightening experience, though in my case I never felt there was a monster or any other scary thing in the room with me. Just a sudden awareness that I was awake, the absolute urge to get out of bed, and the crippling inability to move. After what feels like a minute (probably only seconds), I finally am able to move/wake up.

Back when it was happening often, right after I figured out it was 'sleep paralysis', I learned to relax a little more when it was happening, not panic, wait a few seconds, then focus all my energy on moving/rolling over. Then wait a while before going back to sleep.

I've pretty much eliminated it (I found it was worse when I had caffeine too late at night, thought caffeine was definitely not the only factor). I've probably had it once this past year and maybe once the year before that.
Originally Posted By: cashmoney

A real succubus has no need to wait till middle of the night or when you are lucid dreaming to come and visit.

Sometimes they do - Sometimes they don't. It's when you are most openly-vulnerable, both physically and mentally. One can be awake or sleeping.

The spirit world interacts with Mediums more times in a relaxed state, than not. Their messages are transmitted most, when our bodies and minds are most receptive to the visit.

A Medium
Originally Posted By: DoubleWasp
Yeah, I have had the experience with the succubus, but it went on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all month, all year, sleeping and waking. Symptoms were inexplicable lightening of the wallet, unexplained and unremembered charges on my credit card, reduction of male friends, complete elimination of all female friends, and a sharp reduction of time spent in the garage.

Dude: I think you got married....same thing has been happening to me for 27 years....
Originally Posted By: Triple_Se7en
Originally Posted By: cashmoney

A real succubus has no need to wait till middle of the night or when you are lucid dreaming to come and visit.

Sometimes they do - Sometimes they don't. It's when you are most openly-vulnerable, both physically and mentally. One can be awake or sleeping.

The spirit world interacts with Mediums more times in a relaxed state, than not. Their messages are transmitted most, when our bodies and minds are most receptive to the visit.

A Medium

Ha ha ha ha....yeah...ok then.

Nothing to do with a rational explanation when a mystical, goofy one will do.

If you have some "special" powers of perception due to your "medium" connections with the nether world....prove it and tell me something about me or my passed on loved ones? Or do you need an article of clothing (like a bloodhound) to assist?

LoL....wow. What year is this?
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Sometimes they do - Sometimes they don't. It's when you are most openly-vulnerable, both physically and mentally. One can be awake or sleeping.

The spirit world interacts with Mediums more times in a relaxed state, than not. Their messages are transmitted most, when our bodies and minds are most receptive to the visit.

A Medium

Yeah. Its also 100% horsesh!t.

A Sane Person
Originally Posted By: andrewg

If you have some "special" powers of perception due to your "medium" connections with the nether world....prove it and tell me something about me or my passed on loved ones? Or do you need an article of clothing (like a bloodhound) to assist?

LoL....wow. What year is this?
Originally Posted By: GreeCguy

Another classic was when I was in college. Around finals time, I would ALWAYS dream that I had signed up for a class and then forgot to attend until finals week. The dream was always the same, me running across campus, down the hallway of one of the buildings, arriving just in time to meet the professor leaving after the final exam was finished and telling me I was going to get a big, fat "F" for not attending or doing the work.

I hated that dream.

YES!!! I've had one very similar. That I somehow forgot my course load and there was a class I only attended a couple of times and then had to do the exam for and knew I was going to fail it but I would try as hard as I could, not knowing the subject AT ALL. The bewilderment, frustration, helplessness and guilt that go with it are incredible. The other problem was finding the room as I couldn't remember where the class was being held and I'm running around the facility trying to locate the classroom, which, comically, always seemed to resemble a highschool I only attended for one year but is older than Canada.
Originally Posted By: Darren270
Sometimes they do - Sometimes they don't. It's when you are most openly-vulnerable, both physically and mentally. One can be awake or sleeping.

The spirit world interacts with Mediums more times in a relaxed state, than not. Their messages are transmitted most, when our bodies and minds are most receptive to the visit.

A Medium

Yeah. Its also 100% horsesh!t.

A Sane Person

100% Agree!!!!
I once had a dream that I was at the entrance to [censored]. I still remember how it felt like there was a loud droning noise, and a very great pressure. I saw 5 all black cave-like doors.. in a red, gums-like form. Then I went down.. then I woke up. It was super scary.

Around the same time, I also remember seeing a green alien face, at a slight angle, just before I woke up. I still remember the image.

It was some scary [censored]. And I do believe in spirits.

Science can only explain but so much.. remember, science used to say the world was flat.

I believe science to be advanced, but never absolutely correct. About anything.
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