Ever had an encounter with an Incubus or Succubus?

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May 12, 2009
This has happened to me twice, a Truly, truly terrifying experience.

For those not familiar with the term, this is a dream that involves Sleep Paralysis.

My dream experience was like this: I seemingly wake from a sound sleep. While in bed I look down the hallway leading to my bedroom (I sleep with the door open).

I see a dark form coming down the hallway into my bedroom.
Strangely, I cannot move. and despite trying very hard, I cannot scream or utter a sound.

The dark form leaps upon me, in my bed. I feel a terrific weight and feel I'm being roughed-up.

Still I am unable to move or make a sound. but I'm very aware that something is happening.
(in my case, there has never been any sexual happenings)

Pretty soon, perhaps after a minute, the Dark form disappears.
I can move, and can hear myself panting and making sound.

The whole experience has seemed to be VERY real. Yet, I am able to turn over an go back to sleep!!

Such stories are told throughout history, and all over the world. Various legends have been built around these experiences.

Anybody else had them?
Originally Posted By: expat
(in my case, there has never been any sexual happenings)

I think I found your problem. j/k
I'll be honest: smoked a few, drank a few...

Never seen ANY superstition [censored]...

However, I've had lucid dreams that are very real. Flying,, paralysis, the feeling of helplessness from some dark outside force. It's lucid dreaming.
Originally Posted By: expat
For those not familiar with the term, this is a dream that involves Sleep Paralysis.

Sleep paralysis is believed to occur when a sleeping person becomes aware of their inability to move during REM sleep, which is when we dream. If our brain were not to paralyze us during REM sleep, we'd be hurting ourselves when thrashing around wildly, acting out our dreams. While that so-called atonia is normal during REM sleep, it is not normal to become aware of it.

You may want to have yourself checked for sleep apnea, which has been associated with sleep paralysis.

Or maybe an exorcism is in order.

As a small kid, I was frequently dreaming that a giant ladybug was squatting on my chest, keeping me from breathing.

Sleep paralysis. I got control and over it in my very young youth. Mind control and rationalization. Research it.
Some part of your brain is in deep sleep, hence the paralysis, and your councious can't recognize parts of yourself as "yourself" so it assigns to them a new persona. Happened to me several times when I slept only 3 hours a day, maybe your sleep patterns are disrupted, how much time do you sleep each day??
I've had sleep paralysis as well. No strange dreams associated with it though. The odd thing for me was that I knew I was in bed and was sleeping but for the life of me I could not move even though I tried to wake up, it is truly frightening to be in this
netherworld between wake and sleep, I would associate my
experience with someone who has been put under general
anesthesia but the dosage was not correct and even though
you're mentally aware, physically you absolutely cannot move one muscle.
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Hope you do not have further encounters. I had similar experiences with my ex-girfriend (the dark form) sucking the life out of me.

Nuff said,

Originally Posted By: Darwin1138
Some part of your brain is in deep sleep, hence the paralysis, and your councious can't recognize parts of yourself as "yourself" so it assigns to them a new persona. Happened to me several times when I slept only 3 hours a day, maybe your sleep patterns are disrupted, how much time do you sleep each day??

I have not experienced it for several years (I hope I never do again)
But both times it happened, it was at a time where I was having a disrupted sleep cycle.
I've had sleep paralysis a few times. It was terrifying but at least knowing what it was made it not as bad. Each time it happened was during a time of heavy workload/stress/poor sleep patterns.
Funny enough my girlfriend and I were talking about this a little earlier in the evening. The lore of olden times was an old hag coming to sit on your chest while you slept. Certainly feels like it.
Sleeping on your back can also contribute to this phenomenon.

i had the SAME EXACT thing happen to me in 2006.

It was probably one of the most scary experiences of my life (and I have been near death a couple of times)

I was in bed and woke up.

The same dark apparition you described was in the room.

I could NOT move any part of my body.

I could not speak or make any noise at all other than a small, low, quiet scream. (I was unable to wake up my wife at the time who was next to me) even though I desperately wanted to say or yell for help.

Utterly and completely paralyzed and defenseless.

It lasted for a couple minutes but felt like hours.

I was completely aware and awake and was conscious.

No drugs, alcohol or anything else was involved.

I was i my mid thirties at the time and had NEVER experienced that before or since.

Reading your post was bewildering and comforting since I thought I was the only person the exact scenario happened to.

Hope you get some comfort knowing that you are not alone. Same..exact...experience as yours.
Had quite a few experiences over the years and self diagnosed at the time as sleep paralysis, twice brought on by self hypnosis type meditation.

Two or three had a horrid grinning yellow face hovering inches above mine (complete with smell)...was quite comfortable in the fact that it was sleep paralysis, although it DID scare the stuffing out of me, and the Lord's prayer recited (in my head obviously) seemed to either do the trick, of distract me long enough to wake up.

One experience that I had was around the age of 20, living in a dorm (run, coincidentally by Opus Dei, and the floors were regularly walked by priests.).

Had the paralysis thing, the horrid yellow face, the odours, and the apparent weight on the chest. Did the recital thing, and it stopped.

Shaken, I left my room and headed to the common room for multiple cups of coffee.

Three or 4 doors down, (room of another guy from PNG), I heard him scream "get off me you f'n [censored]...out...get out of my room". And he charged from the door...room empty.

We made coffee, and discussed what had happened.

Identical sleep paralysis, less than half a dozen rooms apart, within literally seconds.
Yeah, I have had the experience with the succubus, but it went on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all month, all year, sleeping and waking. Symptoms were inexplicable lightening of the wallet, unexplained and unremembered charges on my credit card, reduction of male friends, complete elimination of all female friends, and a sharp reduction of time spent in the garage.

Doesn't quite sound like your experience. Maybe you ran into something else.
I had a similar, curious experience when I was younger. I remember it vividly. I was sleeping and had a dream within a dream. Usually when I dream, there's a small part of my brain that tells me "relax, it's just a dream".

I forget what the nested dream was about, but when I "awoke" from the nested dream (I was still dreaming), I found myself in a frightening state, it was as though I had lost sanity, I felt as though I had lost control of my body, running down the street, not being able to speak. The little part of my brain that usually tells me "relax, it's just a dream" was mute, perhaps confused by the nesting of the dreams.

I finally truly woke from that state. It took a while to shake it off. I guess I've had some other nested dreams but none other as terrifying as that one. I think my brain learned from this experience and now responds with the message "oh [censored], it's just a nested dream".
For those who'd like more on the subject, I recommend a "documentary series" called "Lost Girl".

Can't say that the story line is completely enthralling, but there are benefits to watching.
I've never, but my Brother has...sort of... he had the lucid sleep paralysis, and could "sense" someone/something in the house, but never saw anything.

This phenomena has also been sited as an explanation for many "alien abduction" memories.
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