"Enthusiasts" cars and oil

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Mar 16, 2016
Mia Fla
In recent years I've become more of an "mpg, and keep my car running right" guy versus my "horsepower, 0-60, how does it take a corner quickest" days. I would consider myself as still being a car enthusiast. Many others don't.

Same goes for oil. Many here seem to get on other members who have chosen to use conventional oils, even when they state the vehicle calls for API SN only. Nothing aggressive, but passive aggressive yes. "I would go with a synthetic". "If it's worth keeping [car] it only gets synthetic". Why, on the greatest oil/vehicle forum around, do we still get this stuff?

Sorry, just ranting after reading through many threads that always seem to end up in a bickering mess.
I value all things like MPG, handling, power, paint maintenance, car stereos, and of course having the best oil. Who cares if you decide to go conventional oil? Its proven successful and good enough. I would never look down on someone for choosing it. I just like to go better for no rational reason other than knowing i did.
I don't have to worry about the synthetic vs. conventional choice as during the year I can find the synthetics as cheap or cheaper than the same company's conventional motor oils. While this seems odd, it is the current state of the market. If you get your car serviced at a dealer or quick lube, then this usually doesn't work as they charge an extra $25-$50 for a synthetic oil change. If that were my situation...I'd go conventional OR try to work out a deal with them if I lug in my own oil.

I'm an enthusiast. The HP thing doesn't work for me any more. Whatever the factory gave me for HP is what I'm happy with.
Originally Posted By: 5170
"I would go with a synthetic".

Originally Posted By: 5170
passive aggressive

Synthetic oil is often on sale for the price of regular. Also, the SN standards have gotten so stringent that even "dino" is actually a synthetic blend
I see some garages that charge $100 for a 5 quart synth oil change (M1,Synpower,those are the two I seem to see offered all the time). That's 5 synth oil changes for me via Walmart 5 quart jugs. No telling what they charge when they have to add extra quarts over the 5 quart price limit.
Originally Posted By: 5170

Sorry, just ranting after reading through many threads that always seem to end up in a bickering mess.

Nailed it. So many opinions, so many good oils, most threads are bound to devolve into a mess. It's the rare thread that carries on intelligent discussion beyond 3-4 pages.
Originally Posted By: Kuato
Originally Posted By: 5170

Sorry, just ranting after reading through many threads that always seem to end up in a bickering mess.

Nailed it. So many opinions, so many good oils, most threads are bound to devolve into a mess. It's the rare thread that carries on intelligent discussion beyond 3-4 pages.

It can become tiresome at times.
Changing your own oil lets you afford better grade filter and synthetic for the price of a trip to the stealer or Drippy Lube.
I try to have a little bit of fun with my cars (nothing stupid, spirited maybe), so I choose to give them something a little bit better...

I'm not worried what others think,though I take what I have learned here over the years. It's a bit of what I want along with what is on sale....
I was a die hard syn oil user until seeing the insides of motors using Chevrons gpII oils. Pretty much all the oils are GPII+ Now I am a die hard syn drive line oil user.
for me cars are just transport and for moving stuff, motorcycles are performance vehicles...but they still don't get synthetics.
CT8 you came to my mind first here about this... I agree with you that the current conventional oils are WAY different than they were 25 yrs ago plus... I wish I could get Chevron oils from somewhere nearby. Do you believe Havoline is the exact same now? Because good gracious there is a ton of that available around here.
Originally Posted By: CT8
I was a die hard syn oil user until seeing the insides of motors using Chevrons gpII oils. Pretty much all the oils are GPII+ Now I am a die hard syn drive line oil user.

I have never gone 7,500-10,000 miles between OCI, nor owned a car requiring a synthetic oil spec, so I don't use them either. I did think long and hard about going with Magnatec but there really is no need since Hyundai limits my oci to 7500 miles and I can walk into WMart or KMart and pick up a conventional or blend for $10-$15 which meet specs.
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