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I was taking a nap in my hammock, attached to two trees, and the hammock when into a very wide swing to wake me up.

I could hear the metal was squeaking and creaking on the elevated subway.

Hope no aftershocks.......
I didn't feel a thing (and I was out for a walk at the time) but a lot of my friends on Facebook in Toronto said they felt it.
Originally Posted By: Bottom_Feeder
Fox News is at it already:

At what? Reporting what one police officer told them? They didn't say that it was leaning. The report made clear that this information was very sketchy from a single officer.

What you have had them do?

Fox news makes plenty of mistakes just like any network does. This wasn't being reported as absolute fact.

And again, no major damage, and no one died. If this was in California this would be a minor event, but because it happened to the politicians in Washington and the News bosses in NY, it's a huge story.
Originally Posted By: Tempest
Significant historical earthquakes have occurred in the Trinidad region in 1966 and 1973. Reexamination of felt reports from these earthquakes suggest that the 1973 events may have occurred in the same area, and possibly on the same fault, as the 2001 swarm.

The fracking is nothing but speculation in both of your sources. Nothing putting a finger on it at all.

Yea, that's why Arkansas is banning wastewater wells near shale deposits because of Earthquakes.

Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
It's not proof, but it certainly is something to be concerned about.

although a state researcher says it’s too early to draw any conclusions.

Let them study it. So far I have seen nothing to indicate there is a relationship.
Originally Posted By: Tempest
Originally Posted By: CATERHAM
Originally Posted By: FL_Rob
There goes the stock market ...Again.

What do you mean, the DOW 30 is up 300 pts!

According to Paul Krugman, natural disasters are fantastic for the economy!

You took it the wrong way..Thats' what I mean, I just made money!
Tempest and Drew, I feel like I should weigh in on the debate here, since it is my line of work, but I'm not sure what you guys are specifically trying to argue for/against.
Originally Posted By: Stu_Rock
Tempest and Drew, I feel like I should weigh in on the debate here, since it is my line of work, but I'm not sure what you guys are specifically trying to argue for/against.
please school me. I felt the floor move for about 15 seconds. I didnt regard the time, but what I felt was more toward 1:30 ish EDT. Are tremors like sound in that they travel at a certain rate away from the epicenter?
In California this earthquake, if it took place here, would be mostly ignored. I have been in several that were much stronger.

In Chile, anyone concerned about such a minor quake would get laughed out of town.
Got shook pretty good here in Fredericksburg Va. I'm about 20 miles from the epicenter. Just had a decent aftershock about 10 minutes ago at 2010 hours. Tom

So far I have seen nothing to indicate there is a relationship.

Proof, no. A relationship, yes; The precautionary principle can be applied as it has been in the past.
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