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Jul 22, 2002
palmer mass
I HEARD A GOOD ONE today one of our building maintance guys was telling me he changes oil every 3 to 4000 miles but he only changes the filter every 3 rd oil change but what he does is pour some gas into the used filter lets it soak for about an hour then dumps it reuses it this is on a 01 durango and of course he swears by fram
This is a new one for me. I thought that I had heard it all. Now I'd expect something this from Berks county PA tightwad Dutchmen (PA Deutsch, actually). I've actually heard of some pouring weakly brewed coffee back into the clean water tank on a Mr. Coffee to stretch the coffee (never figuring out the fouling of the element and the added electrical cost of doing it). There, being cheap is not just a cultural madate's a refined art.

...but to actually go to all the trouble to remove a fitler and clean it ..when a $2-$3 item can be had anywhere, not to mention intentionally adding fuel to the sump with residuals, sets a whole new benchmark in cutting corners and ignorantly paying for it.

That is common practice south of the border... To wash out a filter with gasoline.

I was training a person Champ hired in Mexico with an engineering degree so that he could do training seminars in Mexico and he had worked for Brand X manufacturer.

I had been asked that question before in various training seminars I had conducted in Central and South America.

So I asked him how he would answer that question. He told me, proudly, no one in Mexico does that ..maybe other Latin American countries but not Mexico. So I asked him how he would answer the question anyway.. then filled him in.

About 2 months later we had a seminar at the plant in Illinois for 20-25 distributor personell and fleet customers from Mexico.

So when we had covered oil filters and were in the Q&A..I asked him to translate the question: "Do you know of anyone in Mexico at shops you call on or garages that you work for who washes out oil filters with gasoline?". Carlos translated and everyone raised their hand. Much to his surprise..

It may now be happening more in the USA than some may think...
SOooo, basically he's changing his filter at about 10 or 11 thousand miles, right?
Some here advocate that.
Rinsing a filter out will only clean out the old oil; the 'crud' stays in the filter on the dirty side of the media.
Dumping oil or gas out of a filter means it come out the clean side/center of a spin on filter.
Seems like a waste of gas and time though.
Sure. I've used and tested filters with 10k on them. They have some effects of loading ..but not much. It all depends on how fast the 10k is accumulated. If it's done on a 30 one way commute over 6 months ..easy ..if it's done over one year ..probably. If it's done over 2 years ..who knows

The part about using gas as a cleaner is not wise. It's very difficult to get a filter empty, even with it sitting at any angle ..even for months. I can't see anyone getting all the gasoline out of a filter.
well i he has over 100000 miles on the durango and believe it or not it does run good but he is a cheap ahole though
A good filter will last that long.........but I always say that if you change the oil, change the filter. Washing it out with gasoline is just nuts.


quote:Originally posted by HardbodyLoyalist
Reason number 126 to never buy a used vehicle.

(126a: especially one from Mexico...)

Stop it, you are killing me....with the gas fumes.
I think a noodle came out my nose.

Wouldn't gasoline dry out and possible weaken the filter media?
well, i sold a mexican guy a car . 81' citation and after he got it home he drained the oil and filled it with #2 kerosene and ran it! then changed it out and put in oil after that.drove it 3or 4 years till he wrecked it. may he invented the first auto rx formular?
Sure. A kero flush is a risky way to flush sludge out of an engine. It's like dermal abbrasion with a diamond wheel on your face type treatment ..but it's effective. Under no load you can get away with it. You'll experience some undue wear in the process, but if you don't dislodge any big slabs of sludge and block your sump screen, you'll have a clean engine. Most use ATF as a thin 10 weight lubricant as a carrier (50:50)

It's naturally not recommended by anyone for any reason.


well i he has over 100000 miles on the durango and believe it or not it does run good but he is a cheap

That doesn't mean that he hasn't experienced some undue wear along the way. 100k in apparent good health doesn't mean that he's "doing a good job" of maintaining the engine. It just means the engine isn't showing any apparent symptoms from the way he cares for it.
Just when you think you've seen everything on BITOG, up pops another goofy procedure.For heaven's sake,let the moths out of that wornout billfold and buy a decent filter.
I just can't see any see any benefit to this. No offence
meant to anyone, but this is a lolapalooza. Guess that's
why we all enjoy BITOG such much.
Well, if I had to re-use a filter I think a washout with Marvel Mystery Oil would be a lot better, but you have to back flush and that means holding the antidrainback open without permanently deforming it.
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