Do you shake your oil containers?

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Mar 17, 2008
I have read here about additives settling. Do you shake your containers before pouring them into your vehicle to mix up the lubricant?

I don't when doing oil changes, but did before sending in a VOA sample.
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will someone pour me a drink???????????????????
Originally Posted By: Bxnanaz
What’s the reasoning behind this. Wouldn’t the engine mix it up enough?

If the oil container sits too long and additives settle they may not all pour out of the container leaving some still in the bottle/jug.
Originally Posted By: ZZman
Originally Posted By: Bxnanaz
What’s the reasoning behind this. Wouldn’t the engine mix it up enough?

If the oil container sits too long and additives settle they may not all pour out of the container leaving some still in the bottle/jug.

That makes sense.
Originally Posted By: PimTac
Which statistics class are you taking?

None. I am too old and not smart enough!
Originally Posted By: ZZman
Originally Posted By: PimTac
Which statistics class are you taking?

None. I am too old and not smart enough!

That makes two of us then.
Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
Shaken, not stirred.... oh wait!

Was waiting for that... Hee Hee
I actually keep my oil stored on a rocker. It keeps the oils moving at all times to eliminate any chance of separation.

Okay, I don't actually do that. But I do shake my bottles before use. Come to think of it, I shake any most bottles before use... medicine, salad dressing, oil.
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