Disc brake pad springs

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Nov 9, 2008
When I did the tires on the Camry last weekend I noticed that the front pads had springs to push the pads off the rotor. Stupid simple springs, not much more than a wire. How come they don't use them in the rear pads? The rear pads seem to freeze up, I'd think they could use all the help they could get.
For the Camry rear brakes, I always get the hardware kit, with the new slides and pin boots, and make sure to use a healthy amount of Sil-Glyde. Do this, and you'll not have the rear freezing issue.

It's odd, because every Toyota Previa I have ever worked on had the rear springs.
I try to put Stalube on every six month. After six months there is a hint to nine of that grease, and I have to file off the rust on the stainless clips. But they still are free, mostly. If I wait a year they are frozen.

When I go to buy pads in a few years I'll compare what I can get.
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