dealer service advice vs my choice

Sep 3, 2005
Royal Oak MI.
I pulled into Ford dealer today (I take my amsoil xl 5w30 there in the winter and they change it for me) too cold. Service advisor comes out and says brought wrong's 530 your escape tales 5w20. I said I have 240,000 miles been using 5w30 all along...please put it in. After hearing about how its not good for 20 min. He agreed to install it. Lol though that was funny. Hasn't messed up yet don't think it will
That's interesting. When I had that '19 Subaru whoever did the oil change on prep put the drain plug on too tight and I had to take it them to correct that mistake. Car spec'd 0w20 but I brought them 5w30 and the advisor actually said it was a good idea... :ROFLMAO:
Around here some Subaru dealers have been known to use 5w30 in everything. I like you also use 30 weight in my Subaru’s .
Mom's Mercury Grand Marquis specs 5w20. Around the time they bought the car (2001) there wasn't any on the shelves shelves so my Dad went to the dealer for the first oil change. The dealer admitted that they didn't have 5w20 in stock either so they were using 5w30. Dad figured if it was OK for them, no sense taking it in anymore since we had plenty of 5w30 in the garage.
My ex had a 2003 Marauder. Bought with 85,xxx on it and was immediately switched to 5w-30. When she sold it with 220,xxx it still ran perfectly and used less than a quart with 5,000-mile OCI.

I'm not saying the same would apply to a modern tiny 4-pot.
in 2001 my new jetta got free oil changes + a loaner to drive to work then swap on the way home they REFUSED to put in my 10-30 amsoil which was PAO + Ester at the time later they spec'd fake synthetic group III after sludge issues. i dumped their oil in a clean container for girlfriends 99 malibu!!!
I had that happen once on a Ford Taurus that I had.
Went to an independent place that had a OC deal.
Told the guy that I wanted 5W30 in the car.
He went on a huff about how I would void the warranty (he wanted to put 5W20 in it because of the modified specification.)
I asked him exactly what kind of warranty was on a 9 year old car with 212K on it.
He had no answer for that.
However, it did come out later that there was an upcharge for the 5W20.