Dash Cam Evidence

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Dec 31, 2017
SE British Columbia, Canada
I imagine more than a few folks received dash cams for Christmas. This probably varies by state, but if you record an accident, is there a way to gain from a monitary standpoint. I.e. you let the innocent party know you have evidence and you would be willing to sell it to their insurance company or their lawyer? Sounds callous but a guy has to make a living! What do you think?
I'd give you one beer, and enough for you to buy a blank CD-R and postage, but nothing more.
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I would pay a little for something that saves my butt, after almost 20 years without accidents Ill do my best to keep my record clean. However, it is a scummy move, and one can only hope someone blackmails the sellers in the same way once they need it, just so they feel the sting of it. Im a believer in you get what you put in, and would gladly volunteer any footage i had if it helped.
My dad is a retired attorney. First of all, you'd be a stupid fool to try that without an attorney in an injury case. You present any such dash cam footage to your attorney. Your attorney will have to show the evidence to the defendants lawyer.
You're asking "Can I extract money from someone instead of doing the ethical thing, or what the law requires of me?"

And I think it's despicable that you would withhold exonerating evidence for personal gain. Basically, you're blackmailing the person who was innocent.

Personally, I would subpoena your information/evidence - you would be required by law to provide it.

If you held out for cash, you would be in contempt...

Good luck.
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Could you try, sure. You would also be called an money grabbing [censored], no better than the lawyers that everyone hates.

Before dash cams, you had eye-witnesses to accidents that would testify what they saw, and they were not paid for it. Why would dash cams be any different?
If I saw an accident, I would stop and give my info (dash cam or not), and with a dash cam, let them know I may have video of the accident and if they wanted a copy, just give me their email and I will send it to them. Both sides. No charge.
Originally Posted by Snagglefoot
I imagine more than a few folks received dash cams for Christmas. This probably varies by state, but if you record an accident, is there a way to gain from a monitary standpoint. I.e. you let the innocent party know you have evidence and you would be willing to sell it to their insurance company or their lawyer? Sounds callous but a guy has to make a living! What do you think?

Shows your moral & ethical worth ! =0
Originally Posted by maxdustington
Wow, roasted!

You're making us Canadians look bad, Snagglefoot! I'm from the [censored] capital of Canada and even I think that is morally reprehensible!

Rottawa by any chance? lol
If the video was a nice to have, but unnecessary to prove my case, I would name you as a witness and file Discovery. You would then provide it free of charge or face a possible felony in my state. If I absolutely needed the evidence I would meet your demand and under law your name and address would appear in the police report. If 3 to 6 months later your house burned down while I was sitting in the drunk tank with an entire law enforcement agency as my alibi, well I wouldn't know what to tell you.
I had a very unusual accident occur directly in front of me. Single vehicle. Dramatic in the way of that video of the two guys in California, who had footage of driving through the fire during the Camp Fire incident. If I had video it would have been at least a million views on Youtube.
I must say I'm very impressed with the responses! Actually I agree with you all and in fact came forward to leave a police statement in an accident I witnessd last week.

I'm thinking dash cams will become absolutely common and in fact will be offered as options in new cars soon. How society adapts to them will be interesting to see, Than you for all the input!
On a slightly different note-two people were breaking in to cars and taking valubles here in Utah while people were in worship services this past Sunday. One vehicle had a dash camera running and caught images of the guys-they were aired on the news and caught.
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Good News story CKN

About 8 years ago we parked for mid-night mass at the church and as we walked toward the church i noticed the car behind us had the back seat loaded with wrapped gifts. It was a peaceful night and I didn't give it a second thought.
Sure enough we emerged 90 minutes later to see the distraught family in their Sunday best staring at the smashed back window with the now huge void of the empty back seat. They just stood and stared.

I didn't know what to say or do, it was haunting.

I'm glad they got those perpetrators
If word came out that you had evidence on a matter, a search warrant could be executed on your property and it would be taken. Don't go down the road of extorting money out of people. Not even getting into the morality of it, you could get dinged hard. Take a read of the Criminal Code, yes its long winded and in legalese but you might learn something.
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