Crack in crankcase cover, ideas for sealing?

For $25, I'd be replacing it with a used cover, since the crack goes up to the crankshaft journal. My bet is that even with the JB weld it may crack again or still leak, since the crack goes inside next to the seal.

Yeah, I have been debating whether to pull the seal first to apply the JB into the journal, then reinstall or just coat externally.

I know the used $25 cover is the most prudent course of action, and if this were to be a primary mower in any capacity I would most likely go that route. The reality is that this is just making something work for fun. If I didn't happen to have a lawnmower without a engine, this would have most likely gone on the shelf for storage with all my other small engines.
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Yeah, I have been debating whether to pull the seal first to apply the JB into the journal, then reinstall or just coat externally.

I know the used $25 cover is the most prudent course of action, and if this were to be a primary mower in any capacity I would most likely go that route. The reality is that this is just taking making something work for fun. If I didn't happen to have a lawnmower without a engine, this would have most likely gone on the shelf for storage with all my other small engines.
What you are going to attempt to do is not going to work. Anywhere else on the pan or engine block will work, but not there. You are wasting your time, it won't hold 10 minutes. Pop for the used pan and be done with it.
What you are going to attempt to do is not going to work. Anywhere else on the pan or engine block will work, but not there. You are wasting your time, it won't hold 10 minutes. Pop for the used pan and be done with it.

I hear ya but the J-B Weld is already on the way. Seeing as how this cover cant get any worse, no point not to try. Worse case, I will prove it doesn't work.
I’m interested to see if it will work.

In my younger days I’ve “repaired” a few motorcycle and snowmobile cases with JB and have never had one leak over about 6 repairs but none have been in a crucial area.

Please keep us posted.
I hear ya but the J-B Weld is already on the way. Seeing as how this cover cant get any worse, no point not to try. Worse case, I will prove it doesn't work.
This is the highest stressed part of the engine and cast aluminum is brittle. You can't just JB Weld the crack to fix the oil leak and call it a day. What you can see isn't the extent of the damage, the lower crankshaft bearing is also cracked/broken. If/when the pan breaks you will likely damage the engine, possibly irreparably. As it is now you can repair it properly for a reasonable cost. There is no shame in using used parts. In addition to the used pan all you need is a new pan gasket, crankshaft seal, and 15 minutes of your time.
All of this is moot point if the crankshaft is bent.
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