Collinite 915 durability

Aug 20, 2003
Calling all collinite users - - currently I have used their 2 other products.
I wanted to get some comments on durability for the 915 - - their more expensive wax. Do you think it is worth the price - - does the durability really stack up?
I am on the fence about it.

Thanks for your input.
Calling all collinite users - - currently I have used their 2 other products.
I wanted to get some comments on durability for the 915 - - their more expensive wax. Do you think it is worth the price - - does the durability really stack up?
I am on the fence about it.

Thanks for your input.
Is 915 marketed for it's durability? I thought it was a finishing wax.
It says on the side their second most durable wax - - - - after 476s.

I was wondering if in the "real" world this is true?
durability is decent BUT the depth-darkness on darker colors, mine are black + i consider it the BEST i ever used!! i used old paste Simoniz years ago for its depth BUT the 915 is even better + a bit easier + longer lasting, well worth my $$$$
durability is decent BUT the depth-darkness on darker colors, mine are black + i consider it the BEST i ever used!! i used old paste Simoniz years ago for its depth BUT the 915 is even better + a bit easier + longer lasting, well worth my $$$$
Thanks....I ordered a tin and will try it out.
Not a lot of people use it.....

I will be putting it on top of 845.

Hopefully no issues there.

Thanks again
Collinite has a lot of crossover products. Every product they sell is very good.

FYI - 476s and 885 marine is EXACTLY the same formula except sold in a different tin a marketed differently. They will admit this to you.

845 and the marine version 925 is also the EXACT same formula.

All can be layered and are compatible with each other. However it is a waste of your time to layer 915 Marque De Elegance on top of 845. It was my understanding that 845 was a nice all around super easy to use wax that would last a decent amount of time. The ease of use was its best feature. The absolute most durable is the 476s / 885 however at a cost of being difficult to remove.

915 Marque de elegance has more carnuba to bring out the shine at a slight cost of not quite lasting as long as 476s / 885. But it WILL last longer than 845.

If you have old laquer paints or single stage it is still my favorite. If you have a modern base / clear I have migrated to ceramics / graphene.
Really like the Meguiars M26 paste wax, awesome carnuba shine, lasts 1-2 months, easy on off. ;)