coke or pepsi?

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My wife is a coke addict! I dont really like soda because its just too sweet for me but I do enjoy jones soda cola its really good and has sugar instead of hfcs. Tastes like rc which I think is really good, but everytime I drink it I think of mullets? dont know why?
Diet Pepsi with Lime, spiked with some Malibu Rum. Great tropical combo.

Having been on the Atkin's diet for six years, the nine teaspoons of sugar in a can of regular soda just won't work for me.

Okay, the Diet Pepsi with Lime is okay, though I prefer Diet Coke or Big K diet with lime.
But the Malibu Rum means you lose your man card.
If you want a Cuba Libre, do it right.

Funny, I was going to call it a low cal Cuba Libre. I guess he could use Bicardi's. "Man card".

I too stay away from the sugar, so it's Diet Pepsi and my second fav Diet Dr. Pepper. I like the taste of Diet Pepsi better than Diet Coke, but I'll drink DC if there's no DP available.
Buy-ology : truth and lies about why we buy
This book claims that Pepsi wins the taste tests but there is something that makes people buy Coke, I forget the details but basically they used FMRI to study the brain and how we make decisions. These studies also show that anti smoking ads don't work, and actually make people crave smoking even more.
I once took the pepsi challenge and the had Coke Pepsi and RC from can, glass bottle, plastic bottle and from the fountain.

I actually was the first to Identify them all.

I like Coke overall.

However I like REAL COKE even better. What do I mean??? Do you remember New Coke or Coke II??? Well new coke was actually a marketing ploy to rid the US of coke with sugar so they could substitute High Fructose Corn syrup!!!

I just happened to be in Spain(dad was stationed there in the Navy) during the fiasco where the local economy (Spain) never changed. So when coke classic just came out we had some for the first time again with one of the priest and was immediately struck something is wrong. Well the Pizza parlor had both Spanish canned and American stuff so we started comparing.

Original RECIPE??? Not even close.

While I still prefer it to Pepsi does not come close to the real stuff. Try some of the local Mexican Hole in the Wall restaurants and see if they have glass bottle stuff from Mexico and give the REAL COKE MAD WITH SUGAR a taste again.

You'll cry!
Pepsi here.

I lived in Atlanta when New Coke came out...Uproar on the homecourt...did not take long to bring back Coke Classic.
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I like the way diet Coke tastes in certain places (e.g. Jimmy John's for some reason), but I would never buy it in bottles. Coke or Jones usually.
Originally Posted By: salesrep
Pepsi here.

I lived in Atlanta when New Coke came out...Uproar on the homecourt...did not take long to bring back Coke Classic.

New Coke was a brilliant marketing idea. Just think about how much free publicity they received when Coke classic came back.
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