Clean-up shocker

Dawn was the cat's meow. Revisions weakened it?
Tales of unearthed, NOS original Dawn will echo on like those of German Castrol.
"Undersink find", is how the thread could start.
Hey man, look, the one with the phosphorous......

When Dawn came out, it toppled Ivory as P&G's flag$hip wash-up juice.
I use unscented dish washing liquids - who wants to taste perfume while eating?

Yes, the odor lingers no matter how much you rinse within reason.
OMG - we got a memo today about too much smelly stuff at the office - and FWD’d it to our most cynical Sr engineer with:
“The struggle is real” (he says this often) 😶
An elderly female office manager at the g contractor where I used to work would generously spritz her perfume into to air and walk through it as a morning ritual. I sat diagonally across from here cube.

Well, I was trying to enjoy my breakfast at the desk!

Back at home, I wanted a tiny, little "clean laundry smell in our un-scented wash, so I had an old bottle of liquid All original scent. I would add just a short tablespoon of the stuff in tub along with the tiny unscented powder scoop.

Wife was all over me. I proudly bring washed and folded laundry up. "That is horrific - you used the smelly detergent didn't you! Get those towels out of here or re-wash them or something!!

Well, I ain't doing that no more. Unh-uh.
An elderly female office manager at the g contractor where I used to work would generously spritz her perfume into to air and walk through it as a morning ritual. I sat diagonally across from here cube.

Well, I was trying to enjoy my breakfast at the desk!

Back at home, I wanted a tiny, little "clean laundry smell in our un-scented wash, so I had an old bottle of liquid All original scent. I would add just a short tablespoon of the stuff in tub along with the tiny unscented powder scoop.

Wife was all over me. I proudly bring washed and folded laundry up. "That is horrific - you used the smelly detergent didn't you! Get those towels out of here or re-wash them or something!!

Well, I ain't doing that no more. Unh-uh.
We use unscented laundry soap__ free n clear - the sheet detergents are gaining …
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