I ran across this on another oil-related forum.
This is probably the same guy who revs his Z06 to max rpm before shutting it down . (Bet his timing chain loves that.)
Really priceless.quote:
There is a HUGE difference in motor oil base stocks. Pennsylvania oils come from fields on top of coal deposits. They are very heavy in carbon particals (bits of micron size coal) that are connected at the molecular leval to the oil molecules. They CANNOT BE REFINED OUT. And base stocks from the Gulf of Mexico are very high in sulphated ash. Our fuels also contain the same impurities. Just ask BMW about their all aluminum engines in the mid '90's about it! The sulfer combined with water vapor and became sulfuric acid that dissolved the motors from the inside out. Cure was to increase the temperaqture of the combustion itself and change to a ferros alloy for the engine material. Regular dino oil has things in it that ARE NOT DESIREABLE in an engine. Just go to the oil companies web site, and look at the tech data for their products. You will see all the crap that they REALLY contain.