Charlie Whiting passed away

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Good grief. That's sad to hear. I always say to people to retire when you can, especially when you can afford it, but Charlie was clearly passionate about what he did, so no need to retire! Very sad news.
Very sad. Charlie showed a love and dedication to the sport that few others in their professions do. He was respected by everyone in the paddock.
It said he died of a pulmonary embolism. He is the same age as me, (66). I just had a ultrasound test done to check for that very thing last week. Thankfully it came up negative. Had he done it at the same time, they would have detected it, and could have save him.

These tests are cheap, fast, and can save your life. Everyone over 30 should have it done every few years. Better safe than sorry.
Originally Posted by billt460
Had he done it at the same time, they would have detected it, and could have save him.

He's gone and you're still second guessing him and saying you could do it better!!

But seriously, I'm 44 and I've lost 3 mates in their 60s so far this year to preventable and detectable cardiac conditions. I'm with you all the way. Tests are quick and cheap.
Originally Posted by Brad_C
He's gone and you're still second guessing him and saying you could do it better!!

No "guessing" involved. Take care of yourself. No one else is going to. It's as simple as that. The fact is this was a easily detectable condition. That had it been discovered, could have been fixed. It's hard to make yourself go to the doctor when you feel fine. Because you B.S. yourself into thinking there isn't anything wrong. Sometimes the worst condition you can have is feeling good.
Not sure a test would have detected it. Possible due to the long flight - clot developed in legs & traveled to lungs.
At any rate, quite a loss of a good man.
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