I know, I know, its July and over 90 degrees outside. But I have noticed some threads where people knocked Castrol's cold weather abilities. A check of their 5w30 data sheet recently aquired shows a CCS of
quote: Originally posted by mikemc: I know, I know, its July and over 90 degrees outside. But I have noticed some threads where people knocked Castrol's cold weather abilities. A check of their 5w30 data sheet recently aquired shows a CCS of strong>
That spec is merely the standard in order to qualify for a 5w30, so that spec means nothing. If the oil had a CCS of higher than 6600 at -30c it would not be a 5w oil, it would be a 10w oil. So Castrol's specs don't tell the tale, but their pour points are pretty bad. Although the all time pour point champion is the 0w30 Castrol Formula SLX though, at -81 degrees! Nothing else that I know of is better.