Castrol Edge Professional LL IV FE 0W/20 (VW508)

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Oct 20, 2005
Scruffy City
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Originally Posted by addyguy
Meh, nothing special. I'm sure it will get the job done.
You can tell all that from a VOA? How about all the engine tests a 508 gets? This is the hardest spec to get in 0w20 type.

It's amazing how none of the known 508 oils have moly. Other 0w20 oils (non-508) have had from 80 ppm to 900 ppm depending on brand.

TBN might seem low. 2019+ gasoline in the U.S. is now very low on sulfur negating the need for a higher TBN. This is a long drain oil. Around 10k miles.

DuckRyder, you've outdone yourself. Two labs, good agreement. And BrandonT's results:
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Is this supposed to be a long drain oil? Perhaps, I am confusing it with another flavor of Castrol, but with a starting TBN of 5.6 (or 5.1 depending on which report you trust), it will not be much of a long drain. The TBN in this oil is less than most "standard" oils. I am not sure what to make of that.
Originally Posted by rooflessVW
TBN retention is more important than starting TBN.
Oh, I agree with that, but with a starting point that low, it is hard to imagine that it will last as a long drain oil (if that is what it is supposed to be). Most of the other Castrol oils have a TBN of at least 8.0 and Edge ( has a TBN of 11.
Originally Posted by 2015_PSD
Is this supposed to be a long drain oil? Perhaps, I am confusing it with another flavor of Castrol, but with a starting TBN of 5.6 (or 5.1 depending on which report you trust), it will not be much of a long drain. The TBN in this oil is less than most "standard" oils. I am not sure what to make of that.

It is my understanding is that the two labs use different methodology for TBN and about a 1.0 variation is expected, their condemnation limit for TBN on used oil is different as well.

It is a long drain oil, in fact if you switch the car to flexible intervals (USA is 10,000) it could go up to something on the order of 18,000 miles (30,000 KM) is what I understand, this is VW dealer oil. Normal Edge is not 508 Approved.
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