Burning oil only on De-acceleration? Help!

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The reason why oil catch cans have baffles or steel wool is to increase the surface area that the oil vapour will flow through. The cooler surface creates a place for the oil vapour to condense and form minute droplets, combining and run to the bottom of the catch can.
I'd reverse the hose orientation on the lower drawing. That's how the spray dryers and clarifiers work. You take the high velocity flow and discharge it into a much larger pipe and reverse its direction. The vapor screams down the center tube ..effectively hits a 4-5X pipe ..velocity slows to 1/4-1/5 and all heavy elements have no (or substantially reduced) velocity to sustain them in suspension. A steel wool packing around the top would allow something for anything escaping the first effect to "rain off" (condense and precipitate). Although fully packed steel wool would act as a strainer, it would reduce the velocity reduction by effectively reducing the diameter of the outer shell.

The taller the better. The larger in diameter the better (yes, duh).
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