New information: Should have checked but there is an accumulation of black soot on the muffler tips, not oily. After cleaning the MAF sensor, there's a slight improvement in readings. From 3 grams/sec down to 2.7 grams/sec at idle (2.4 liter engine). After replacing upstream air/fuel and downstream O2 sensors, long term fuel trim has gone from +0.8% to -8.5%. Short term seems to move around between 0% and -7%. What I take from this, is that the old upstream sensor should have been subtracting significant fuel, not adding it and this has been happening for a while. So "tired sensor" seems likely. The downstream sensor, was probably doing it's job by throwing the P0420 code. I suspect the rich condition is due to a partially clogged cat. I suppose I should get the back pressure measured. The engine is rated @ 200hp and seems to still accelerate the car decently from 80mph, so probably not melted, just coated. No pending or confirmed codes yet and permanent code has not disappeared, but not expected since cat readiness has not completed. I'm trying to add enough completed drive cycles to get something to register. I'm hoping the cat is seeing far less unburned fuel now and may recover? If I do need to replace it, should be better protected now.