Black Carpet Anyone?

These trends in housing decor are getting out of hand. First is was all the tan/browns then they decided gray was in and now black carpet and cheap LVP flooring. They do this so people buy paint and keep up with the latest decor ideas. I miss the old rich styling in older homes vs the bland and no character of lots of new modern homes. But if you remember the yellows and greens of the 70's I guess today's in decor isn't all that bad LOL!
It's retro. Check for some lava lamps and groove to the ride.

Gosh, years ago this Canadian PhD guy at work, Paul, said, hey, Leo, this guy, John Kay is playing at a local bar. Won't you come with me to see him. I said sure. We go and it's obvious that John Kay was not fully informed of this venue. It's a dive bar and there are a lot of biker types there. I'm not a biker type. It's a very small bar. John Kay is decked out in leather pants and full rockstar attire. My colleague is a chemistry PhD wild man. We are right in front of the stage for a spectacular show. It was awesome. Paul starts flirting with a biker chick while I'm grooving to John Kay signing Steppenwolf's greatest hits. I make it clear to Paul that if anything violent goes down, he's on his own. LOL. Paul had a good night. I could fill a page or two or three about Paul and his cray exploits.
Basement carpet is a really dumb idea.
meh, black at least hides the mold well... ;)
My parents place has had carpet in the basement for 50+ years now(not the same carpet though) and it's been fine. They did run a dehumidifier for years before they got AC, which helped and they run the furnace fan pretty much all the time, so there's no stagnant air for moisture to build up down there.
My media room carpet isn’t quite black but pretty darn dark and the heaviest stuff I could find for sound absorption. It’s the only place in the house with dark carpet but it’s also dimly lit so not too many crumbs show up.

Dark carpet in well lit rooms? No way.
That's $5M to $10M. Didn't realize your yet to be revealed business is doing so good. Or you made your money the old fashioned way by inheriting it?
No inheritance here.
Never made a dime off employees either as I never had any.
BTW my business was revealed and I have had many. So no dirty laundry here only a beaten up body from hard labor.
meh, black at least hides the mold well... ;)
My parents place has had carpet in the basement for 50+ years now(not the same carpet though) and it's been fine. They did run a dehumidifier for years before they got AC, which helped and they run the furnace fan pretty much all the time, so there's no stagnant air for moisture to build up down there.
We did too in our rec room as kids. Indoor outdoor stuff that was very durable and it got flooded too.
These trends in housing decor are getting out of hand. First is was all the tan/browns then they decided gray was in and now black carpet and cheap LVP flooring. They do this so people buy paint and keep up with the latest decor ideas. I miss the old rich styling in older homes vs the bland and no character of lots of new modern homes. But if you remember the yellows and greens of the 70's I guess today's in decor isn't all that bad LOL!
This house was no show and no go. As you said the LVP was botton end and the carpet was nearly

A bunch of rooms that had no appeal and cheap construction.

Bland and boring but it had a bad paint job too..
The house came in 5 sizes...maybe the 3500 sq ft one was more appealing???
I have Cancork cork flooring in my home. It's not the traditional cork flooring that I think is ugly. It has a different feel to it and if you drop your keys or something on it, the impact sound isn't as sharp as a laminate floor.