Best 2 stroke oil

Jun 7, 2021
So I have been using some Stihl ultra 2 stroke oil in my Stihl 2 strokes. They say the new stuff is some sort of biodegradable veggie oil. Not sure I want oil in my saws that is designed to go bad. What is a good alternative and is the veggie blend ultra any good?.
I have all my 2 stroke lawn equipment (weed eater, blower, chain saw) that I purchased in the mid 1980s. Its still running strong. I used nothing but Stihl oil until 2010, then I switched to Amsoil Sabre. No regrets :)
Echo red armor -> favorite Jaso FD -- home depot about $14
VP Racing OPE > best deal Jaso FD Walmart less than $10
anything else JASO FD rated.
Iowa Performance Saws likes both of these oils and always run 40:1. Look him up one of the best and most informative sites i like
Favorite 2 cycle oil? I had great luck using Opti-2 when I ran saws commercially. It's similar to the Amsoil in that it was supposed to be mixed 100:1, but I always ran it around 65:1. My saws always lasted longer than the guys running the 50:1 Echo or Stihl stuff but that could have also been because I kept up on the air filters more.

For home use with weed whackers and such, I just get whatever JASO FC or FD oil is easy to get and mix it 32:1.
I use Amsoil Dominator because we buy it by the gallon for dirt bikes. I'm sure Sabre is great, but never found the need to try it since we have so much Dominator and it runs clean.
IMO, the "best" oil is about specs. There's a general agreement, even among the OE specs, that the JASO-FD and ISO-L-EGD are the two specs which assure very good performance and cleanliness in two-strokes. As long as you use a product meeting/exceeding those specs, you should be fine.

My personal choice are the Mystik products, only because they seem to have the best pricing when bought in larger volumes (quart or gallon). They have several products that meet those specs and are licensed. See their website for the Sea and Snow JT4, and OPE "lawn and garden" products.
So I have been using some Stihl ultra 2 stroke oil in my Stihl 2 strokes. They say the new stuff is some sort of biodegradable veggie oil. Not sure I want oil in my saws that is designed to go bad. What is a good alternative and is the veggie blend ultra any good?.
If it's the one in the grey bottle stop using it.
The best 2 stroke oil is amsoil if money is no object.
Best 2 stroke for the money is redarmor. Run it 40:1 and you'll wear everything else out before you wear the engine out.
I’ve used Echo Powerblend Gold at 50:1 for 2 decades with great results. Never fouled a plug, spark arrestors stay clean, practically no smoke and $16 for a 6 pack of 2.6 ounces on Amazon.
I've been running the Husqvarna JASO-FD rated oil for going on five years now without issue. It seems to produce less smoke and smell better than the Stihl silver bottle oil in all of my Stihl equipment.
Another vote for saber.
I'm not voting for it as such and I've only been using it for about 6 months. I will say after several carb teardowns I've never seen such a complete lack of sticky residue. The machines seem to like it vs some of the mineral and semi-synths I've used over the years.

I just had to put a carb kit through the Zama on my chainsaw after ~40 years of passable fuel and oil, I suppose in another 40 years we'll see how the saber goes.
I'm not voting for it as such and I've only been using it for about 6 months. I will say after several carb teardowns I've never seen such a complete lack of sticky residue. The machines seem to like it vs some of the mineral and semi-synths I've used over the years.

I just had to put a carb kit through the Zama on my chainsaw after ~40 years of passable fuel and oil, I suppose in another 40 years we'll see how the saber goes.
This past spring I pulled the muffler off. No build up of any kind. Spark screen was removed 10 years ago. Haven’t touched the carb other than replaced the fuel filter just because. I use 93E10.