Best 2 stroke oil

Echo Red Armor
Husky XP+
Amsoil Sabre
VP Racing
Echo Powerblend Gold

Never use stihl ultra in the silver grey bottles. It is a very outdated 1990's JASO FB (FoxTro - Bravo) rated oil. You want JASO FD (FoxTrot - Delta)
Echo Red Armor
Husky XP+
Amsoil Sabre
VP Racing
Echo Powerblend Gold

Never use stihl ultra in the silver grey bottles. It is a very outdated 1990's JASO FB (FoxTro - Bravo) rated oil. You want JASO FD (FoxTrot - Delta)
Just so everyone is aware, there is no difference in wear protection requirements between FB and FD. The lubricity spec is the same. The difference is that FC and FD require less smoke, more detergentcy and lower carbon buildup.
As mentioned above, EG-D or FD oils are likely the best choice for today's users.

From our two stroke engine testing in the distant past, 32 to 1 is the fuel/oil ratio that provides reduced wear for most users, and for most engines wear rates increase as oil is reduced. In more modern times we've learned that RPM is a factor, as oil migration through the engine is affected by RPM. A 14,000 chainsaw should not be using an 80 to 1 ratio, regardless of oil choice.

A robust EG-D/FD oil I like is Castrol Power 1 racing 2t (the exact same stuff as the superb old TT-S 2t oil)

So I have been using some Stihl ultra 2 stroke oil in my Stihl 2 strokes. They say the new stuff is some sort of biodegradable veggie oil. Not sure I want oil in my saws that is designed to go bad. What is a good alternative and is the veggie blend ultra any good?.
Never heard of castor oil?
I will add, I have purchased entire truck loads of customer abandonded equipment from a local dealer closing. There were several husqvarna, poulan, and a few el cheapo brand of string trimmers that showed no signs of cylinder or piston wear. Instead the ring was completely carbon seized into the ring land (stuck ring) and while most people would just toss it, I spent the time to clean and break it free. After which all peices ran flawlessly. This is why I personally like modern FD / EG-D oils.