Awesome private message.

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Jul 3, 2008
Ohio, USA
Last year, I complained about Wolf Spider infestation in my bathroom. Here:

And I got this private message today:

Hi Popinski,

I work for Darlow Smithson Productions(, a UK-based television production company. We're looking for stories for the second series of Infested! for Animal Planet (, which tells the story of ordinary people who have experienced extraordinary infestations.

I found a topic that you started about a wolf spider infestation in your home. Would you mind telling me a bit more about this infestation? Ideally, we would speak on the phone, but you may want get in touch with me via my email initially: [Email erased]

I look forward to hearing about your infestation!

Very best wishes,
[name erased]

Here's a woman with bigger problems than I do!!!!(Do not watch if you have arachnaphobia:
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I often find Wolf Spiders in my garage. Oddly enough, just on one side of the garage. They can be freakishly HUGE. I know I've happened upon a few of them so large you can hear them scurry across surfaces! They give me the willies for sure.

Somewhat related, but in two houses we've owned, We had problems with House Centipedes in the basements. Man those things can get huge too and FAST. They really freaked us out. We jokingly called them motorized mustaches. You smack them and they disintegrate into wiggling, writhing pile of mush. Yuck.


I don't have a problem with spiders, but I HATE house centipedes. Creepy things, and FAST! Thank goodness our current house doesn't have any of them.
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Is that what they are called?? My wife and I have seen a couple of those centipedes in our basement too.. They are crazy fast! Not so many since we've been here a bit though.

OT: What a neat possibility that could be.
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