Attacked by Dog Yesterday While Bike Riding

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The means of defence, be they guns, mace, samurai swords, whatever, is entirely down to the discretion of the cyclist.

The important thing to remember, is that when you're under attack you have to muster every last ounce of rage and fury and destroy the attacker. But never, ever give the attacker the incentive.

The phrase 'tread lightly, and carry a big stick' seems apt in this instance
I've always found getting off my bike stops most dogs right away, once in a while I have to swing by bike at them until they calm down, but that's it.
You do have to decide real quick though, if you can out run the dog or need to stop, getting caught half off the bike isn't good.
If I was riding by a known bike chaser, I would get off and walk until the dog sees me, and talk to it until it realizes I'm not a threat. Often it won't chase me again either, especially if you can get on the bike and ride away in front of it.
Originally Posted By: dlundblad
If he comes after you after the pepper spray, tell him to smile and wait for the flash.

This thread didn't bring about any tough guys - tough guys don't post on Internet forums and they certainly don't complain about dogs barking at them.
The tough guy gets off his bike, flicks his cigarette in the dirt and makes eye contact with the dog which then whimpers, pees all over itself and runs away with its tail between it's legs.
At least that's how I imagine it would go down if the cyclist were a T-800.
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