Assault Weapons - Historical and Now

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Originally Posted By: Darren270
No, no a gunowner. But I can vote. And depending on how you guys reply is how I'm going to vote. You explain to me why you need assault rifles for defense nicely, maybe I vote your way. You tell me go f' myself or chastise me, I justify that people with that attitude (gun owners acting tough cause they have guns) should not be all.. and vote accordingly.

Vote however you want. I don't give [censored]. I don't have to justify or explain my "need" to you anymore than I "need" to explain to you why I ate a ham sandwich for dinner. What you should be doing, rather telling everyone they need to appease you with their reasons or a justification, is to do the research yourself and let logic and reason guide your vote.

Oh and btw, what's an assault rifle?
That didn't take long. The don't care, defiant to the end tough talking gun owner. The fact you don't care is alarming after what happened to those children. Go ahead, turn those of us that don't own guns that are on your side against you. Fellow gun owners should shut people like you up, your perceived as unstable and dangerous these days.
Originally Posted By: LeakySeals

No, no a gunowner. But I can vote. And depending on how you guys reply is how I'm going to vote. You explain to me why you need assault rifles for defense nicely, maybe I vote your way. You tell me go f' myself or chastise me, I justify that people with that attitude (gun owners acting tough cause they have guns) should not be all.. and vote accordingly.

Don't the police need these weapons? And don't the police live and work in the same places that everyone else lives and work. And doesn't it make sense to use a better suited tool for the job vs an inferior one. And wouldn't a ban only effect those with a tendency to follow the law?
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That didn't take long. The don't care, defiant to the end tough talking gun owner. The fact you don't care is alarming after what happened to those children. Go ahead, turn those of us that don't own guns that are on your side against you. Fellow gun owners should shut people like you up, your perceived as unstable and dangerous these days.

Yes. We're all just a bunch of crazies aren't we? We like to talk tough and mean coz we own guns!

Let's see, so far you've stereotyped gun owners, created a straw-man argument in regards to Sandy Hook, attempted to shift the burden of proof in order to "sway" your vote, patronized gun owners by condescendingly claiming to be on "our side" and refuse to use logic and reason to guide your position as I suggested rather than emotional knee-jerking...

And I'm the unstable, dangerous one. Got it! Thanks!
hatt - Good question, do cops need that firepower? Tool for what job? Stop us, deter us, or kill us? Only rational answer is to match the firepower of what people own. Around here the cops see everything as a threat, use that as justification to draw guns and use them. Trying to drive away from a stop around here could be fatal. But they don't know whats pointed at them, so it goes both ways.

I don't know. I've been for leaving the second amendment alone, let responsible gun owners own what is allowed. Semi-auto's included. Sure, I've always had an issue with the coward tough guy that substitutes muscle with lead. But the deaths of those kids has me asking questions. And I find myself taking issue with the "don't care" gun owners. How can anyone make excuses for, or not care about little kids. I question the mental state, as do others. Thats all i have to say about this.
To the 2 authors in this topic who have accused me of "cut and paste", "regurgitate" and 'plagurize snit", I will publically say I WROTE the original artice they seemingly cited. The article is in Daily Kos and is a lot longer.
I hope other people with open minds are having a real discussion, I hope the historical background on the development the assault weapons helps.
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Darren270 - I'm not stereotyping all gun owners and anyone thats been reading along knows that. I asked for a rational justification by gun owners to steer me back to my original view. Your answer - f' you. Its guys like you that need a second look now. Thats what I think. And you reinforce that with your irrational perceptions of a threat, my comments. I'm done. Its always going to be a point of contention. Nobody wins.
Originally Posted By: LeakySeals
Sounds like the mindset at the time the amendment was adopted. With no way to defend ourselves if the Brits or French came back, made sense. With todays firepower, minimally armed is the logical perception looking backwards. What about today? With the best military in the world and well armed police what do we need to be armed from/against today? now the interpretation is self defense against each other. Ok..fine..

I can't say I'd be ok with a redefination of the 2nd Admendment, but, if Congress were to clarify it, so be it. My impression is that, yes, the roots of the 2nd Admendment was as both a check on the government (see various writings of the founding fathers) and also as a recruit pool for the military. By having the peasants knowledgable about firearms meant they should be that much easier to press into service. Now, sure, today it is unlikely that we need to put up a mass resistance to an invading army; most military operations today require highly trained personel. Not raw recruits. So you are left with a dilemma: do we continue to let the unwashed masses have access to military weapons, as both a government check and as a recruiting pool, or do we redefine the 2nd Admendment to be primarily for the right to self defense and hunting (and thereby restrict "military"-like weapons)?

Personally, my opinion, without a redefinition of the 2nd Admendment any restriction is unconstitutional.

I grew up during a time we settled things with fists. Like men. Today I'm wondering if the skinny tiny dude acting tough is packing. Thats a coward. Gotta spray me with bullets? A coward that can't shoot straight.

No, I'm not for removing the second amendment. but I also think pulling a gun instead of putting up your dukes is a coward and those people should be stripped of that right.

LeakySeals, I'm going to assume you meant different, but I have to take exception here. You sound as if you're some big tall guy who likes to pick on small people--but is prevented from doing so because the small guy "might be packing". As a small guy who works in an office, and has the physique to prove it, I find your comment actually proof of why I'd want to pack, at least occasionally. An armed society might not be a polite society, but I think you helped to make a point about it.

If I may return to neutral here, how many times has some verbal confrontation (be it at the bar, family reunion, whatever, alcohol present or not) has resorted to gunplay? It seems to me, perhaps bad assumption on my part, that those who are of the sort to duke it out are likely to do so, but without resorting to gunfire. I'd also like to point out that a person can be badly hurt in a physical confrontation, even killed, easily enough.

Defense in the home is a different issue. With a bazooka? ICBM? I think there needs to be limits. Because if these weapons get into the wrong hands, a lot of damage can be done. I have to be sold why assault weapons have a place in the home. If its defensive, why is it called assault?

Sure. Most of those items are already restricted (constitutionally or not), and, pretty expensive to obtain even if not prohibited. And pretty useless for self defense, unless if it's an army that is doing the invading (in which case, go ahead and take my house!). Now, in terms of so-called assualt weapons, things get a bit different. "Spray and pray" sounds bad--until it's required. During an attack with multiple invaders one may need to fire quickly. Sure, you want all shots to be well aimed--but if two-three-more people are rushing at you, more is better. 5 or 6 rounds can run out real fast, especially if the gun is shooting a low-energy round. [Am trying to avoid the caliber wars here.]

Spree killings are rare. House invasions are rare too, but not quite as rare.
These two lowlifes attempted to do a house invasion, one guy to get the door open, the other to rush in once the door was opened. Perhaps not the best example but the first one off the top of my head.

This latest mass murder of children has me on the fence now. Its not clear these weapons can be properly secured in civilian hands. Something has to be done. I don't know what that is other than infringe on some other right like privacy.

No, no a gunowner. But I can vote. And depending on how you guys reply is how I'm going to vote. You explain to me why you need assault rifles for defense nicely, maybe I vote your way. You tell me go f' myself or chastise me, I justify that people with that attitude (gun owners acting tough cause they have guns) should not be all.. and vote accordingly.

Fair enough. In many aspects we all live in the same sandbox, and have to get along. Somehow. Some days it's much harder than others... !
supton - Yes, I meant different. I meant the opposite, the little guy that picks a fight and can't back it up with his fists. I don't go looking for it, not what I meant. Well, maybe on this thread I did

Thanks for your words of wisdom, its appreciated. I don't know every detail of whats happening. Why I'm looking for guidance before voting in a way I will regret.
Originally Posted By: LeakySeals
hatt - Good question, do cops need that firepower? Tool for what job? Stop us, deter us, or kill us? Only rational answer is to match the firepower of what people own. Around here the cops see everything as a threat, use that as justification to draw guns and use them. Trying to drive away from a stop around here could be fatal. But they don't know whats pointed at them, so it goes both ways.

I don't know. I've been for leaving the second amendment alone, let responsible gun owners own what is allowed. Semi-auto's included. Sure, I've always had an issue with the coward tough guy that substitutes muscle with lead. But the deaths of those kids has me asking questions. And I find myself taking issue with the "don't care" gun owners. How can anyone make excuses for, or not care about little kids. I question the mental state, as do others. Thats all i have to say about this.
He could have killed those kids with a pump shotgun. Or lever action rifle. Or revolver. Or a knife like in China. You can do whatever you want with dealing with a few defenseless adults and a school full of little kids. Or driven his car into a group of kids. Or had a bomb in a Ryder truck. Or with a can of unleaded gas. It's endless.
Originally Posted By: LeakySeals
hatt - Good question, do cops need that firepower? Tool for what job? Stop us, deter us, or kill us? Only rational answer is to match the firepower of what people own. Around here the cops see everything as a threat, use that as justification to draw guns and use them. Trying to drive away from a stop around here could be fatal. But they don't know whats pointed at them, so it goes both ways.

I think they do need more firepower, although it also seems to be rarely needed. An AR is a great "tool" for returning accurately aimed fire, in the case of having to enter an apartment or house. At the same time, I've read of a case or two where an officer has to chase a suspect, and a high capacity magazine was a deciding factor (no need to reload, or perhaps one arm was injured, etc).

On a slight tangent, several years ago I flew to London. Most cops are unarmed there, expect the ones carrying sub-machine guns. I've never had a problem seeing a local police force with sidearms, but for some reason seeing otherwise ordinary Joe's with badges carrying around submachine guns unnerved me. Dunno why....

Anyhow, I do find it a bit unnerving to have a "highly" armed police force. I've got no intention of harming others, and I'm pretty sure I'm with about 99% of the population. "Highly" armed police force sounds draconian, but I guess it comes with a shift from the police force moving from dealing with the aftermath of incidents (bringing people to justice) to attempting to prevent issues in the first place.
Originally Posted By: LeakySeals
supton - Yes, I meant different. I meant the opposite, the little guy that picks a fight and can't back it up with his fists. I don't go looking for it, not what I meant. Well, maybe on this thread I did

Thanks for your words of wisdom, its appreciated. I don't know every detail of whats happening. Why I'm looking for guidance before voting in a way I will regret.

Not a problem. Good debate is always, err, good.

I'm a pro-2nd person, but, realistically, I'll manage just fine without "assault" weapons. Couldn't afford to feed them!
Same on semi-autos, although that'd be much more of a blow. I tend to be pro-2nd more to prevent erosion of liberties (this and others--slippery slope argument), to counter "fear and loathing" of "scary" looking items (which is foolish), and because of good arguments for the right to self defense, rather than "I fear the government--and want the government to fear me too", or because I honestly believe I need in superior firepower or I won't be able to make it through life. I plan to vote against restrictions, as I fear that the restriction of say anything over 10 rounds will, in another decade, turn into a restriction against anything with over 5 rounds, which could turn into a restriction against anything with more than 1 round...

One last thought. Police officers and military personel are from the same gene pool as non-uniformed persons. Allowing all persons to have access (excepting weapons of mass destruction, felons, unstable people, etc) might help maintain the USA's attempt at a class-less society.
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Originally Posted By: Darren270
That didn't take long. The don't care, defiant to the end tough talking gun owner. The fact you don't care is alarming after what happened to those children. Go ahead, turn those of us that don't own guns that are on your side against you. Fellow gun owners should shut people like you up, your perceived as unstable and dangerous these days.

Yes. We're all just a bunch of crazies aren't we? We like to talk tough and mean coz we own guns!

Let's see, so far you've stereotyped gun owners, created a straw-man argument in regards to Sandy Hook, attempted to shift the burden of proof in order to "sway" your vote, patronized gun owners by condescendingly claiming to be on "our side" and refuse to use logic and reason to guide your position as I suggested rather than emotional knee-jerking...

And I'm the unstable, dangerous one. Got it! Thanks!

We gunowners are some of the most open minded people...its just that we are getting tired of the constant gun control agenda that has proven thru a 100 years not to work. Yes - we are getting more vocal and maybe a little cocky - BUT WE NEED TO in order to save our RIGHTS! The liberals boo hoo all day long and nobody complains but let a gunowner share the TRUTH and all [censored] breaks loose.

Go vote how ever you feel, that is YOUR RIGHT that my guns help to protect.
I asked for a rational justification by gun owners to steer me back to my original view.

Your question is nothing more than a form of special pleading and that's the problem. Gun owners are not required by logic to justify their position in order to placate yours. This is what I meant by your shifting the burden of proof. Sandy Hook changed your previous position on guns. Now its up to you to justify that position. You don't do that by proclaiming "well this how I feel now, unless you can convince me otherwise." Again, I don't have to convince you of anything. Gun ownership (at least in this country) is the default. The onus is on you to prove that taking away guns or a certain type of gun would solve the problem that you believe gun ownership causes. If you are unwilling or are unable to do that, then you don't have a logical argument. This is what you're not getting.

Your answer - f' you.

Tu Quoque. Was my tone defiant? Sure, but not without good reason which I have explained, twice now and which you obviously aren't interested in.

Its guys like you that need a second look now. Thats what I think. And you reinforce that with your irrational perceptions of a threat, my comments.

No one called or perceived your comments as a "threat". Which is ironic considering that an ad hominem like "its guys like you that need a second look" certainly are.

I'm done. Its always going to be a point of contention. Nobody wins.

And it always will be until people stop with the emotional knee jerking, straw men and slippery slope arguments in response to these tragedies. Were not talking about taking away sports cars or fishing poles. We're talking about potentially taking away someones rights. Rights for which many have died in the belief of and are a core defining belief for those who continue to defend it.
Originally Posted By: LeakySeals
Sure, I've always had an issue with the coward tough guy that substitutes muscle with lead. But the deaths of those kids has me asking questions. And I find myself taking issue with the "don't care" gun owners. How can anyone make excuses for, or not care about little kids. I question the mental state, as do others. Thats all i have to say about this.

The Sandy Hook school shooting wasn't about gun owner's or not ... it was about a kid who was mentally ill. He didn't even own guns. He obtained guns that were not his. If anything, his mother was an irresponsible gun owner because she didn't have those guns under control when she knew there was a mentally ill person near them.
Originally Posted By: 63Marauder
He didn't use the Bushmaster.It was left in the car!!! Pay attention.

No, he did actually. He left the shotgun in the car...
Originally Posted By: Nickdfresh
Originally Posted By: 63Marauder
He didn't use the Bushmaster.It was left in the car!!! Pay attention.

No, he did actually. He left the shotgun in the car...

Got a link so everyone can get on the same page.
Originally Posted By: scion_xb
I hope the historical background on the development the assault weapons helps.

I doubt it ... everyone has their own definition of an "assault weapon". Law makers have tried to define it based mostly on looks, and many have disagreed with their definition.
Originally Posted By: hatt
Originally Posted By: LeakySeals
hatt - Good question, do cops need that firepower? Tool for what job? Stop us, deter us, or kill us? Only rational answer is to match the firepower of what people own. Around here the cops see everything as a threat, use that as justification to draw guns and use them. Trying to drive away from a stop around here could be fatal. But they don't know whats pointed at them, so it goes both ways.

I don't know. I've been for leaving the second amendment alone, let responsible gun owners own what is allowed. Semi-auto's included. Sure, I've always had an issue with the coward tough guy that substitutes muscle with lead. But the deaths of those kids has me asking questions. And I find myself taking issue with the "don't care" gun owners. How can anyone make excuses for, or not care about little kids. I question the mental state, as do others. Thats all i have to say about this.
He could have killed those kids with a pump shotgun. Or lever action rifle. Or revolver. Or a knife like in China. You can do whatever you want with dealing with a few defenseless adults and a school full of little kids. Or driven his car into a group of kids. Or had a bomb in a Ryder truck. Or with a can of unleaded gas. It's endless.

None of the 22 victim/kids died in the Chinese school stabbing...
Immediately after the incident the internet news resources were all over the place. Initially the Bushmaster was listed as found in the car--then it was found at the scene, and it was a shotgun left in the car. Also, I initially read that it was two gunmen--the reporters were all over the place on this one.

I don't want to defend her too much, in the absense of any info: but we don't know yet how he got the guns. For instance, I keep mine locked up, but with a key. If you sneak up on me, you could bludgeon me to death, and then have free access. Pretty true of anyone else. Not only that, but even if I didn't use keys, once you get me out of the way, you could have all day to open a safe, unless if it was a really high end one.

Point is, AFAIK nobody knows how he got the guns. He could have snuck in and killed her in her sleep. He could have gone over for a cup of coffee, and ambushed her as she was working the coffee pot. And getting the keys that way. Or perhaps she had guns scattered around the house, for all I know.

One thing I do know: he tried to purchase just prior to this, and was denied, as he knew a background check would prevent the sale (on the basis of his age). Does that mean the laws were working? I'm not so sure, since he was less than a year(?) away from legally purchasing.
Originally Posted By: ZeeOSix
Originally Posted By: Nickdfresh
Originally Posted By: 63Marauder
He didn't use the Bushmaster.It was left in the car!!! Pay attention.

No, he did actually. He left the shotgun in the car...

Got a link so everyone can get on the same page.

Maybe later. Everyone of course is free to use Google instead of making up their own facts. But in fact it was confirmed he used the Bushmaster in the school. I mean, if we're going to exterminate children, it is a lot easier to use a rifle with 30 rds. rather than having to reload as they run screaming away. Isn't it?..
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