Are you noticing your aging

I might be getting older, but I'm not giving up. The wife and I went on a couple hundred mile M/C ride today. Other than some road construction delays, it was a good day.
49, reading glasses and hearing aids, but also rode my heavy mountain bike 16 miles after work tonight. How I feel, in many ways, is strongly correlated to how much exercise I get AND how clean I eat.
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I'm 57 and things have changed. Had a few health issues. Retinal vein occlusion, which is like an eye stroke a few years ago, kidney stones but I hear even younger folks get them. Hernia surgery last year. Other people have it worse. The aging thing that bothers me the most is changes to my digestive system. A lot of foods cause me tummy upset. Chocolate, pasta sauce, and rich desserts cause problems. I need to get in better shape so I can play golf every day. Right now, I'm a bit leery about playing two days in a row. Afraid I might pull my back out of whack. Walking 18 isn't a problem.
47 gray white hair BUT best shape of my life lift 5 days a week ride roads bike 5 6 days a week 100 miles 19 mph average no problem. Eating the best I have ever done but still had stroke and PE ok I just push on it’s all whatever you put in and most people are full of excuses. Proper diet and just simple walking literally can change many peoples problems.
I am fortunate to be near sighted instead of far sighted. I don't wear glasses at work but I do need them to drive. 51 now and have no problem reading bitog on my phone. My wife always asks me to read the food ingrediants on the back of packages because she can't.
A good BITOG gauge of how old you are would be how long it takes for you to stand upright after crawling out from under the car doing a oil change.

It takes me a good 10-15 seconds to accomplish this. If I get up too fast then I get unsteady.

That’s old age.
I am fortunate to be near sighted instead of far sighted. I don't wear glasses at work but I do need them to drive. 51 now and have no problem reading bitog on my phone. My wife always asks me to read the food ingrediants on the back of packages because she can't.
Get her a good pair of readers.
47 gray white hair BUT best shape of my life lift 5 days a week ride roads bike 5 6 days a week 100 miles 19 mph average no problem. Eating the best I have ever done but still had stroke and PE ok I just push on it’s all whatever you put in and most people are full of excuses. Proper diet and just simple walking literally can change many peoples problems.
I have family history of people succumbing to heart-related issues, so I try to cut off meat altogether. Some fish here and there.
Aging,,,my my, it happens....The VA sends data to veterans from time to time, this article maybe helpful as some of us are getting older...enjoy

34, now. I find myself getting tired more. 12 hours at work, back to back to back wears on me. Didn't so much in my 20's.
Sometimes one can make a toxic enviroment - wrong job, wrong place thats not your fault, bad judgement happens, but you can make changes,,,,easy for me to say.....we all have no clue what its like to walk in anothers shoes, but we sure can give advice...mercy sakes....
671? are those in dog years?
Lubener, you must be getting up there too, because that's an "I" not a 1... :LOL:

At just 43, I'm noticing aging more because of a past military injury; finally talked VA into an Xray and MRI and found out that just from the shoulders to the hips I've got 11 of 17 discs bulging, and 3 of them are herniated to the point they're pressing on my spinal cord sheath. That's not even counting the sciatica and hand numbness from the same injury. So that's a rosy outlook that's aging me just a little :confused:
Lubener, you must be getting up there too, because that's an "I" not a 1... :LOL:

At just 43, I'm noticing aging more because of a past military injury; finally talked VA into an Xray and MRI and found out that just from the shoulders to the hips I've got 11 of 17 discs bulging, and 3 of them are herniated to the point they're pressing on my spinal cord sheath. That's not even counting the sciatica and hand numbness from the same injury. So that's a rosy outlook that's aging me just a little :confused:
OMG, you should not need to talk the VA into your health care, with documented service injuries its a given you go to the head of the line mercy sakes ,,,the VA should be ashamed where you go ....imho
I work in tech and have (had?) a long commute. 8-10 hours a day in front of a computer has its drawbacks. Weekend warrior stuff now takes days to recover from, especially in the spring, after being cooped up all winter.

Once I hit 40 my senses definitely started going downhill. Eyesight not as sharp, hearing not as sharp. Don't remember quite as well, and stuff I learned in college 20 years ago suddenly is no longer on the tip of my tongue.