Are you noticing your aging

62 last Friday. I was the king of multitasking.........holding a real job, Amsoil, Sick Bike Parts, my investments, rental I am getting to feel like I am serf slave boy, and if I didn't take notes - the stuff I forget starts to be longer than the stuff I am actively working on.

So with that, I am retiring from my real job Jan 8 2021.

Physically I still feel fine. I should exercise HARD more, rather than take a decent walk almost every day. I eat decently and maybe 2 beers or ciders per week.
Enjoy your retirement Pablo. Stay healthy and stay safe. Regards and best wishes to you sir.
My eyes started to go downhill right at 40 and everything slowly followed. Now at 49 I'm heavier than I've ever been, and motivation to make positive life changes is very hard to come by. 2020 in general has been pretty bleak which isn't helping either.
Exactly the same story here. I am 54 and things started getting bad at 40. First eyesight, then hearing, arthritis setting in gradually buy steadily, less motivation, heaviest I have ever been but not obese. Gonna start strength training again (remember lack of motivation) to see if my rotting joints will improve. When I was younger I was always the strongest guy I knew. And being only 5'7" tall that says a lot. But years of physically strenuous jobs have me almost ready for a wheelchair

I'm 56, and feel pretty good despite low kidney function. Hearing isn't great (36 years working around heavy equipment), and I have a pair of reading glasses and another pair for driving at night.
I have noticed as I get older that I don't feel good if I eat any junk food, or don't get exercise (yard work, walking the dog, etc.). It takes more effort now to stay feeling good, but that's ok.

A coworker (she was an accountant) who retired several years ago recently told me that looking after her small acreage, complete with two horses, a dog, cats, chickens and a garden is what keeps her going. And healthy for her age (mid seventies).
I’ll tell you what, just be careful working out. Listen to your body and don’t ignore extreme pain (like I did). 8 years ago, training like crazy, developed an intense pain in my calf...ignored it. It went away. Then I found myself having trouble breathing. Ignored that too, for two weeks. Finally ended up in the ER (as precaution) and wouldn’t you know it?? Blood clot in the leg, traveled to the lungs. Pulmonary embolism. Should have dropped dead. Thank god I didn’t.

Hydrate. Watch for inflammation. Don’t ignore PAIN. I jogged on a blood clot for a week before it finally broke off and travelled up into my lungs.

So exercise, eat right, but be aware that you are old and you need to hydrate, and monitor yourself as you age.
42 and it can be a struggle sometimes! Lost quite a bit of weight as well. Asthma came back again at 40 and slows me down a bit- but I try to do whatever I can.....
Just turned 40.. nope! Feel better at 40 than at 20 and in better shape. A little more sore at times but I can say I've lived. Still riding the bike at least 65-100 miles a week, set ups and various exercises couple days a week. 3rd week of August riding the Katy trail again and looking around 350 miles. You only get old if you allow it.
I miss my 20s...and 30s. At 50, I'm beginning to notice more difficulty in crawling under, and out from under the car. Tire rotations and oil changes definitely take longer than they used to. Shoulder surgery in December 2020 (torn labrum) makes things more difficult. Any more, I just take the truck to Discount Tire for rotations, since it's free. Getting harder to keep the weight off, which is really ticking off my knees. Some days I wonder how much longer I'll be doing my own car maintenance.
Don't give up guys! Stay as young as you can as long as you can!

Weight train if you can. Muscle mass = youth.
Move, run moderately if you can, if not, power walk, if not, strech and move as you can.
Eat better, I was the guy in an earlier thread that gave up Cokes after 40 years. I drank 2L everyday! Now no Cokes!
Eliminate bad habits, especially smoking! Replace alcohol with water or juices. Sleep well each night.

Care for your body better than you care for your car. This should resonate with BITOG members. Have a young mindset, no matter what your age is. Believe you can and you will. Don't give in to age. Anyone can improve. You can do it!
When I was 65 I was told wait till you're 75 by someone older. He was right. Not 75 yet but the differences are enormous, with excercise, no drinking no smoking, it still is a downhill run. 40, 50, 60 is nothing, wait.
I am now in my late 60's. In my early 60's I could out work my son who is half my age. Can't do that anymore but I am in pretty good shape. I am more careful about how I do things. I always plan out hard or unusual moves.
44 now, in my 30's I had a couple years of bad health decisions, but then a couple friends started exercising regularly and it was easy to see the difference it made, so I cleaned up my diet a bit and try to something hard everyday and now I'm doing better. If it wasn't for my one old knee injury I would get back into mountain bike racing but for now I'm trying to keep up with my kids in the technical stuff. They can't keep up on the climbs yet.
I like using the Strava app as well to track how I'm doing and set goals for myself for running and biking and even the free version is pretty good. You can also compare your rides to others if you want which is kinda neat, I missed out on a fastest time up a local hill by only 4 seconds yesterday, so my goal is do some more training this week and go back on the weekend and see if I can improve that much. Pointless really but its fun to compete a bit at something.
So X is your age, and Y is the sum of the digits of your age (in years)
Z=X+Y is the quantified value of how you really feel. Unsurprisingly, every time you turn a decade your unfounded, delusional optimism takes over...until there is no more.

The graph looks like this...🤣🤣🤣

Anyone here also take a good daily multivitamin and/or supplements? I’ve always believed in taking a good multivitamin. I take them every day like clockwork.
Anyone here also take a good daily multivitamin and/or supplements? I’ve always believed in taking a good multivitamin. I take them every day like clockwork.
Centrum Silver, and fish oil every morning. BP 125/82, good cholesterol. The one positive thing I inherited from my mother is her chronically low BP. I didn't make my way up to normal BP until I reached my 40s.
OMG, you should not need to talk the VA into your health care, with documented service injuries its a given you go to the head of the line mercy sakes ,,,the VA should be ashamed where you go ....imho
You'd think so... but you have to have a physical exam & document the issues to document medical need, then get an Xray and wait for a medical need determination, then get the MRI and wait for results, yada yada. It's a bureaucracy to be sure, but eventually they do provide care. I'll never knock individuals at the VA because they do care. It's the red tape they deal with that stinks!
I’m 33. I haven’t noticed aging too much other than widows peak developed over the past few years but otherwise not too bad. The biggest thing I’ve noticed is I can’t drink like I used to. I can have a couple beers now at night and have a hangover the next day.
Anyone here also take a good daily multivitamin and/or supplements? I’ve always believed in taking a good multivitamin. I take them every day like clockwork.

At 40, I've been taking the GNC Mega Men multivitamins, daily, for about 16 years now, at least. I think it helps, although I'm not sure how much of it bypasses and goes straight into my urine (they turn your pee fluorescent yellow). The extra "B" vitamin complex in them seems to give a little energy boost...and they're time-released, as well. I take them every day at lunch, along with a big fish oil capsule (heard it's good for you; no evidence other than that), as well as a couple of glucosamine-chondroitin-MSM tablets for joints (again, I have no proof that they really do anything; just heard they're good for joint health).
Anyone here also take a good daily multivitamin and/or supplements? I’ve always believed in taking a good multivitamin. I take them every day like clockwork.
With even a moderately decent diet supplements aren't necessary... there's no way humans would have survived to invent vitamin pills otherwise. There are exceptions of course when someone has a true vitamin deficiency but generally then the docs prescribe IV vitamins.

Source: Am a 45 year old guy with internet access and a Dad who had B vitamin shots :)