Are we allowed to talk about "The Balloon"

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China says theirs and civilian.
And something else going around is not from China, they said so.

I have a long personal story about China that I can't condense easily. It involved jail, organ harvesting, the Chinese military and the Chinese government, along with "good Doctors" who tested dialysis machines on Chinese political prisoners. Suffice to say, the level of evil involved is unprecedented and outright ignored by us. Because that's the way we want it. Unfortunately, the truth is the truth and it's awful. China behaves very badly and I will leave it at that.

Shoot the flipping thing down, NOW.
Would you feel the same way if your pervy neighbor had a drone hovering outside your windows at night watching your wife or daughter getting ready for bed? I think not! As far as I'm concerned, if someone launches a spy balloon that's going to float over the US, then they are the ones who have escalated the situation. What if it is not just a "spy" devise but rather has nuclear payload? That thing has to come down as soon as it is safe to do so. Plus, if it has a propulsion system, don't we need to know what type and grade of lubricants are being utilized?
Nope, I’d probably shoot it down myself. But that’s apples to oranges, that pervy neighbor isn’t likely to start a global war.
Per the video from Beau (not that he knows but he's former military), the only people he thinks that need to worry about this are Chinese counterintelligence. Also, China's tone is very apologetic. Most of the time they're dismissive.
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Being keyboard warriors there is nothing any of us can do.
Oh, I don't know about that. Clearly there are some of us who operate aircraft capable of reaching it.

Nor do I care one bit what the Chinese say about it. They are quite likely getting great data from it and want us to leave it alone. They will say anything to achieve their goals.

The view from FL510

I have been trying to find a source that would give me a time track of the travel of this balloon but I have had no luck. Yesterday morning when I looked out the window before sunup I saw the moon and I also saw what I figured was a reflection of the moon. Maybe it was this?
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