Are we allowed to talk about "The Balloon"

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There is a video of a jet-stream and an "explosion" over Montana. The balloon is allegedly nowhere near there. Reports of a fast moving "jet," by witnesses.

While preliminary, it almost appears something was shot out of the sky. I don't know anything more.
Is there really anything secret at an ICBM base any more? They've been the same for 50 years.
The lethal ICBM's of today are located on submarines and carried by aircraft. The silos are leftovers from the cold war era and are limited in effectivity.

Troop movements and weather data are classified Top Secret so you can rest assured that activity at a missile silo is also something that is of interest to the enemy.
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Theyve had an RC-135 jamming it for awhile. Might’ve been one other reason they’re not too concerned about it.
Yeah, yeah, nah. Two problems with that. The first, directional antennas to Chinese satellites would minimize effectiveness of any jamming. The second is that RC-135s don't jam.
If its a weather balloon or not, its great CCP propaganda.

If we shoot it down they will tell their people were afraid of a weather balloon.

If we let it roam they will tell their people that we can't even defend ourselves from a weather balloon.

Its all about control for them. The Propaganda itself might be why they did it?
So that’s what that was!

This is the very first thing my suspicious mind fell into the moment I heard of this balloon stunt. Our entire gov must be compromised by China as we sit idly by and let them get away with what ever they want. If they do use an EMP attack on North America .... suppose all of our attack subs swimming around the earth's oceans would let loose a hail of destruction to finish off the world if we have anyone left not afraid to say "open fire!"
I find it strange that none of the TV news networks have mentioned this (to my knowledge).
This is the very first thing my suspicious mind fell into the moment I heard of this balloon stunt. Our entire gov must be compromised by China as we sit idly by and let them get away with what ever they want.
"Probing weakness" is a definite military strategy. And yes, the handling of Ukraine and China events seem, let's just say, not normal and compromised.

It appears there's at least 2 maybe more balloons. Reports in Canada, USA, and now Latin America. Same balloon, multiples, who knows. Significant media dis-information or lack of credible intel. It's really hard to know what to believe, and what not.

The explosion over Montana is now, oddly, being denied. I truly don't know who to believe anymore, we're in a dark age of mistrust and propaganda and fakery.

One reason, valid or not, to not shoot it down over civilized areas is that it could contain something dangerous. My educated guess is they want to either shoot it down over water and/or capture it whole. Again, speculation since we seem to really be in a dark-information era.
"Probing weakness" is a definite military strategy. And yes, the handling of Ukraine and China events seem, let's just say, not normal and compromised.

It appears there's at least 2 maybe more balloons. Reports in Canada, USA, and now Latin America. Same balloon, multiples, who knows. Significant media dis-information or lack of credible intel. It's really hard to know what to believe, and what not.

The explosion over Montana is now, oddly, being denied. I truly don't know who to believe anymore, we're in a dark age of mistrust and propaganda and fakery.

One reason, valid or not, to not shoot it down over civilized areas is that it could contain something dangerous. My educated guess is they want to either shoot it down over water and/or capture it whole. Again, speculation since we seem to really be in a dark-information era.
It is a sad time. In the past the military - CIA - etc would have scooped in and took control and driven that thing right to where we wanted to keep if for evaluation - destruction - whatever and the news media would not have reported it till 6 to 12 months after the fact. Now we have media blowing it up all over making us look as dumb as we are these days and the Commander in Chief (asleep at the wheel) and all his non qualified expert staff are twidling their thumbs or they are doing exactly what China has directed them to do.
Great, I need to stock up on my toilet paper again!
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