Are we allowed to talk about "The Balloon"

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If I had a capable drone, I'd take care of it myself. No more balloons in my side of the sky.
It has perfect control of it's location along the high altitude winds. It has the ability to maneuver and loiter.

Sightseeing tourist balloons are popular around here and are apparently fairly maneuverable at low altitudes. We stopped counting times the same sight seeing balloon that took off from the same place 10 miles away landed in the field beside our facility. Then one day unanticipated high winds kicked up suddenly and blew it over a mountain and 20 miles away before the pilot crash landed it.
However, as someone mentioned to me it's not really easy to guide a balloon without propulsion so they could have just messed up. DOD surely has enough intel on what needs to be done about it.
It mostly certainly does have propulsion . Something the size of three charter buses with a control center just doesnt float around willy nilly, stay around the same area then exit. ;)

"US and China have long mapped out all missile and other military sites in each other's country more efficiently using satellites at high attitudes. China admits ownership of the wayward weather research balloon, blown out of course by the east-flowing jet stream air current. To think of it as a spy balloon is mindless nonsense. It is slow, uncontrollable and a sitting duck even to a New York policeman's bullet - not a bad thing of the guns can be turned to the sky. US has every right to bring it down if it thinks it contains valuable spying equipment, but leaving it in the sky commands more political value, especially to the likes of Carlo Rubio and all president hopefuls.

The fast flowing west-east jet stream has been known for a long time. During WW2 9000 Fu-Go were released and over 300 landed in US and Canada. These balloon bombs were a gift from Hir o hito."
Is there really anything secret at an ICBM base any more? They've been the same for 50 years.
I think I saw a mention of 86,000' ? I don't know where the cut-off between national airspace (where commercial flights can fly over, with permission) and "intercontinental" airspace is though. The USSR shot down our spy plane flying over their airspace and the U2 can fly "above" 70k feet (real max altitude is probably classified). We didn't retaliate there because I think even the US would admit we were kinda in the wrong.
And they were constantly firing on the SR-71 and it flew well above 80,000ft.

"US and China have long mapped out all missile and other military sites in each other's country more efficiently using satellites at high attitudes. China admits ownership of the wayward weather research balloon, blown out of course by the east-flowing jet stream air current. To think of it as a spy balloon is mindless nonsense. It is slow, uncontrollable and a sitting duck even to a New York policeman's bullet

Nothing in that statement is true, especially the last part. It was set on a path here, intentionally, with sufficient design criteria to get it here properly, loiter over critical locations, then move on to the next. The fact that it does not have an active aviation transponder tells us everything we need to know. (just so people understand, even professional quad copters now have transponders)

The only legit reason I can think of for NOT shooting it down is to collect frequencies from the package.
With over 30 years in defense industry I agree, we have capability to collect all RF data by our surveillance aircraft. Just like we’re doing in Ukraine war. I also have a feeling that eventually US is going to down it over the water so that we can study the hardware.
With over 30 years in defense industry I agree, we have capability to collect all RF data by our surveillance aircraft. Just like we’re doing in Ukraine war. I also have a feeling that eventually US is going to down it over the water so that we can study the hardware.
I agree with this - the only reason i can think its being allowed to continue is they are either waiting to collect it intact or trying to figure out how to collect it intact.
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