Are we allowed to talk about "The Balloon"

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Imagine how the world would vilify the US if we sent "weather balloons" over Russia and China. America would automatically be assumed to be spying, but there are those who actually believe China's weather balloon story.
Pretty sure we do the same, and rightfully so (probably not with low tech balloons though), even better and more discretely. If caught, foreign media doesn't even know or is is not allowed to cover it, unless permitted or it's unavoidable.

Tons of data would have been transmitted by now.
I bet we have intercepted it and decrypted it by now or having it waiting for future decryption methods. But then again, there are communication methods that cannot be intercepted. Supposed quantum communication, IIRC, (and this is a probably a gross misunderstanding by me) allows the usage of "spooky action at a distance" where a component of entangled atoms can be altered and separated between the control station and aircraft. It's like subspace communication. Now that I think about it, I doubt the Chinese would place such high tech on a balloon but I can see our satellites using it.

Based on Russia's performance in Ukraine, other than nukes, I think it's pretty clear that the US military would royally stomp their posteriors. Wait until the M1 Abrahms are up and running there.... China's military is the only one the US needs to worry about today.
Some war strategists say a NATO vs Russia war would have a 1000:1 kill ratio.

A civilian baloon?
Are there really civilians any in China? You are either a party member or a nobody. Those Chinese college students you see at US universities are most certainly members. You probably need a blessing / good excuse to leave the country. Plus it would be prohibitively expensive. Ever see some of the cars these students drive? Maserati's, BMWs, MBs, not a Toyota Yaris.

I’m sure there is propulsion it’s the size of three charter buses and interestingly has hung around” for a long period of time.
This might as well be a space lab with astronauts in it. They have the tech and training for this, should be simple compared to their space program. Maybe no need to transmit anything if a controlled recovery was planned from the start. In this case shooting it down could kill the crew onboard and that could be an international incident even if not known to the public. If we could capture the crew and interrogate them, then great, but this might spell retaliation for our compromised assets in China.

Somewhere I just read (WSJ comments??) the thing is losing altitude...............................
Quick shot with an IR laser, coordination with meteorologists and scientists to do the math on the size of the hole and where it could land for interception.

Now that I think about it, maybe there isn't much tech of value on there because having it drift off course and be captured is one of the possible scenarios that could be expected.
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ummm.... I'm trying not to laugh. What might that do here?
Laugh was the idea.

Then again....

I think that we’ve been punked.
Check this out.


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Oh, I don't know about that. Clearly there are some of us who operate aircraft capable of reaching it.

Nor do I care one bit what the Chinese say about it. They are quite likely getting great data from it and want us to leave it alone. They will say anything to achieve their goals.

The view from FL510

are they higher up that the U2 or SR71 could go. Today my awesome 👌 Senator (R)from Kansas Dr Roger Marshall said it flew over Alaska,Canada into Montana and then it was seen in the northeast kansas/Missouri. Hope it didn't fly over any of our bases, but that it is probably unlikely. Things are getting dicey
Has a second balloon been spotted/downed over Montana…….?
No, the second Chinese balloon is over Latin America
The one in Montana is right near our military base.

For someone else not you, nothing is getting dicey, we are in full control, there are reasons that people may not understand why we are letting it roam around.
Let’s say we are learning too and when done learning we may take it out just for the public.
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