Are we allowed to talk about "The Balloon"

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Apparently it's being tracked and a decision was made not to shoot it down for safety. I'm sure it was known the second it was launched from the other side of the globe. It's been floating over some sensitive sites but they were probably given advanced warning. This isn't the first time apparently. What's the difference between a balloon and using a satellite? RF monitoring? Some type of payload? Better pictures? Who knows.
If it's out in Montana over basically nothing they need to get it down and checkout the technology. I'm sure out military is plenty capable of getting it down safely.
Part of me agrees and wants to see it shot down. The other part of me fears the consequences of shooting it down if it did come from the other side of the globe where it is suspected to be from. It could be viewed as an escalation and I don't have faith that we are ready to deal with that. Avoiding "stirring the pot" right now would be a wise decision IMO.
I think there’s more to it and we are somehow being played or lied to. The fact that you have something over American airspace but the military says they won’t shoot it down because of falling debris seems a bit suspect to me. If true, the foreign country responsible should simply fly a more conventional aircraft over the country to spy on us. With this supposed fear of falling debris our military wouldn’t shoot a plane down because it would make an even bigger mess than the balloon.

Something isn’t adding up to me.

This is a very curious device to say the least. The actions of our government to allow it to float unabated is an even more curious action.

The news announced that it is almost certainly a device of the CCP making. The innocence of such a device should not be trusted regardless of the age of technology.

Our ICBM program was designed and built in the 1950's with concerns about nuclear attack from the Soviet Union. With time, this concern has waned and the ICBM program has decommissioned two of the three propulsion systems originally set to deliver the missiles. With the closing of the Atlas and Titan missile silos the placement of the Minuteman silos has become very streamlined. It would seem that the observation of these Minuteman silos and supporting bases would clearly be a priority for the government.

If this "balloon" mysteriously floats over Montana, Wyoming, and North Dakota, something is very fishy. If the US Government allows such actions to occur then the writing is on the wall.
Part of me agrees and wants to see it shot down. The other part of me fears the consequences of shooting it down if it did come from the other side of the globe where it is suspected to be from. It could be viewed as an escalation and I don't have faith that we are ready to deal with that. Avoiding "stirring the pot" right now would be a wise decision IMO.
I'm sure they would shoot it down if something like that was ours and in their air space, then threaten to take measures. Of course they'll claim it's not theirs.
I'm sure they would shoot it down if something like that was ours and in their air space, then threaten to take measures. Of course they'll claim it's not theirs.
I'm thinking, bring it down, then stick a special message in there for the people who sent it, and send it along with the message back to them. Lets just say the message wouldn't be Happy New Year. ;)
I may be getting multiple episodes confused, but remember the twilight zone episode where there was a nuclear bomb threat.

A bomb was supposedly coming. A guy had a bomb shelter with supplies in his back yard and his neighbors destroyed it to get in only to find out it was a weather balloon.
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