Anyone like garage sales?

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Sep 8, 2005
Any of you regularly go to weekend garage sales in your city/area?

Wife LOVES going to them. I've always liked it quite a bit; you find some neat stuff at them. Just finding the locations of the sales themselves can be an adventure - you find neat little 'corners' of your city!

On a BITOG note, anyone ever found and of their 'oil deals' at a garage/yard sale? Never seen oil for sale at one myself; closest I got was a jug of WW fluid at one a couple of weeks ago for $1. Its usually $3-4 at stores. Wife thought I was nuts for actually buying it....
I got four 20 year old fram filters for a quarter!! Plus they all fit vehicles I owned. Got a wix napa gold cross for my mother in law's buick for 66 cents.

I'm one of those jerks who gets out early and resells stuff on ebay. A rather consistent profit item is police radio scanners. Who knew? Did books on for a glorious summer then ebay went and wrecked the website. College kids were selling textbooks at yard sales for less than they'd get from the campus bookstore... itself a rather lowball offer... and they're supposed to be "smart"?


I still haven't matured past collegiate "camp factor" shopping...
You guys have too much time on your hands.

Or maybe I just work too much.

Hmmm... I may have to revisit my work load.

No one has ever uttered "I wish that I had worked more overtime" on their deathbed.

Never mind, carry on.
Love going to garage sales, find some pretty good stuff sometimes, then also a lot of junk. Got a nice Louisville Slugger baseball bat for 50 cents at one garage sale.
My wife would like that lamp. My guess about the availability of scanners is alot of police departments are going with the "trunked" (?) systems, and the scanners are becoming useless. I had a handheld and alot of times it was just fire department meeting calls. Once though I was ran on the way to third shift and surprisingly he didn't follow me the entire time it took to get my info back.
He didn't have a call or anything.
I have to avoid them. I'm too much a collector of fine junque. Too much stuff is just too good to throw away ..even if you really don't have a purpose for it.

I ponder ways to get some of it into use in some adaptive manner. My PALL mega bypass filter might end up being a whole house water filter. It was originally used for air purification.

I just sold one of my Modine/Ford laminar oil coolers to my neighbor. I only brought out about 6 of them for him to choose from.
Usually a waste of time. Fun IF you have the spare time. We used to do the dead guy auction/estate sale circuit BC (before children)

I've got some odd items over the years....mostly tools, but timing is everything with me the 24" Channel locks, $4. I got a cut off saw really cheap, etc
I don't go to garage sales because it is usually not a good use of time. If I want something cheap I check craigslist or ebay.
We're teaching our 5 y/o's an economics lesson right now. They want bicycles and have just enough cash to go buy new ones. But then they would have no money. So we're going to garage sales and watching craigs list. Last night we got one for $20.
Originally Posted By: addyguy
Any of you regularly go to weekend garage sales in your city/area?

No I don't do that, but I did commence an emergency brake maneuver when my eagle eyes spied a roadside treasure that was about to be lobbed into the trash not all that long ago. A rescue mission was launched and the item was successfully retrieved.
I avoid them if I can. I don't need any help being a pack rat neither does the better half. My grandparents hit them every weekend though.. hope they don't decide to move.. ever.
A few years ago I bought several bikes for $5 to $10 at garage sales. Kept one to ride and last summer had a garage sale, where the other three sold for $20 to $25 each. I fixed them up a bit, mainly adjustments and cleaning up.
Oh, I love em. However, not as much as 'big trash day' - the first Monday of the month... I cruise around my neighborhood scoping out the treasures. I've gotten everything out of the trash from china, furniture and beer (in my bachelor days) to small engines, tools and scrap lumber. You can't beat free.

I'll never forget: me and a friend of mine once liberated 96 cans of beer from a dumpster behind a Budweiser distributor. Best tasting beer I ever drank, bar none.
I don't normally stop unless I see something that interests me as I pass.

Yesterday I saw a wheeled battery charger at a yard sale. Today I went by and it was still there so I brought it home.
Originally Posted By: Chris142
I don't normally stop unless I see something that interests me as I pass.

Yesterday I saw a wheeled battery charger at a yard sale. Today I went by and it was still there so I brought it home.

My dad has one from the 1960's and it does 6-volt and 12-volt. Bugger puts out so many amps you can actually crank a diesel in the winter off it with a completely flat battery!

I told him I want it in the will.
I did buy an air powered Paslode finish nailer brand new in the case never used for $50.00 and it still works from a yard sale.Same with a Dewalt biscuit joiner in the original box and the price tag on it,it also still works.
Twas the night before big trash day and all through the neighborhood... well, big trash was piled. Not a very poetic scene, but a fruitful one. My wife got a small blackboard and a small whiteboard. The dog got another kennel. We'll use it when we're traveling with him. I found a bowling ball - it seems pretty old, but it's in very nice shape and it fits me. They're just too expensive to buy new. Also, an Atari 2600 complete with all the stuff and the box. And a Nintendo "Power Pad" for use with a few obscure games, also in the original box. I needed a stool for the garage, and I found one of those as well.

So, all of that cost nothing but a few bucks in gas. Was fun driving around with the wife. Overall, it made for a pleasant Sunday evening.
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