So I went ahead and ordered the 6qts of HPL PCMO 5w30 and a quart of the EC30. I have a vacuum pump so when it arrives tomorrow, I will siphon a quart of the DXG out and replace it with EC30, and finish the normal OCI (I’m about 800 miles in, so the EC will spend at least 4200-5000 miles in the sump).
I’ve got a road trip coming up which will knock off about 1200 miles and be the first real distance with HPL. The truck currently has an XG10575 which I will change when I dump the Ravenol/EC30 mix and cut it, and repeat the same when it’s full HPL.
I’m not going to UOA the mix, but I will do dipstick tube samples at 5 & 10k and will converse with Dave how the numbers look at that point. If I get to the 15k as expected, I’ll do another dipstick sample, and then a final sample when I get to the recommended OCI.
So, on top of the $80 for the oil, there’s potentially another $160+ in UOAs. Seems steep, but if the HPL performs as expected and lasts 15k+, the oil costs become a wash ($26x3 for Mobil 1 EP vs $80x1 for HPL) plus it saves time and wear on the belly pan, drain plug, and filter mount threads. Oh, I also snagged a Stahlbus drain plug so I’m pretty pumped about that too!
I’m really hoping since I don’t do the crazy idling that Dave said the fleet is subjected to, that I may even be able to hit 20k interval. If it gets to that point, I will definitely invest in a Frantz system and keep that oil clean! It’s a never-ending saga!