Another oil from Valvoline…

No guarantees. I haven’t used the “new stuff.” they may or may not have it. Don’t expect Walmart pricing. Expect HPL-type pricing.
Except HPL has actually justified its pricing, by telling us nearly every detail about their oil’s makeup without disclosing IP, and having proven its oil in over 2 billion miles of use in one of the most challenging fleet applications.

All Valvoline has given us so far is a marketing pitch with vague terms and even less solid information. As well-formulated as it was, PBR was never intended for continuous use per Valvoline/Cummins; it was a “use it if you need it” with the implication you would go back to the original oil once cleaning was completed. It was also never rated for use in gasoline engines, even though some BITOG members did apparently use it as such. PBR did also not appear to have the extended drain capability of HPL’s products, which further increases the true price differential between those “competing” products. Lastly, at least in this case so far, all we have is marketing info and no confirmation that this new “Protect and Restore” will perform similarly to the PBR.

With all of the objective data the board has generated re:HPL products, all I see here is Valvoline helping to steer some people into HPL’s corner if the pricing is similar. HPL is not only a private American-owned success story, but its performance is well-proven by this point.

Cool to see new products in the “plebe” market, but according to most comments here, the $50+/gal market for engine oils is nearly already saturated. Maybe we’ll actually see this Valvoline product on shelves at some point; I seem to remember HPL delivered the No VII product line in about 2 weeks 🤣
Whatever it is, the claims are pretty big. Biggest breakthrough since 150 years ago? LOL

We saw what happened to Valvoline Modern Engine. You're not going to sell much ultra high end exotic oils at Walmart.

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This oil -vs- all others:
i was at that game. Nolan Ryan was already legendary by that time, and beating the pine tar out of a cocky RV who was basically half his age just cemented his place as the baddest dude to ever say his job was to stand on the rubber, in my book.

I’ll refrain from commenting on the “biggest breakthru in 150 years” until after we see third-party testing on this vaporware’s real-world performance. @wwillson already has some good data to compare all challengers against, IMO…
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The fine print states “up to 100% piston deposit removal when used as directed for four or more consecutive oil changes at standard maintenance intervals, based on adapted sequence IIIH testing”
I think it will be a great hit for valvoline. That piston looks way too clean compared to anything out of seq IIIH I have seen.